古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - 《潘菲洛夫的28勇士》觀後感





“壹個國家沒有英雄是可悲的,是沒有希望的” 歷史總是驚人的相似,同樣的在死亡之谷,輕騎兵唱著:

The Charge of the Light Brigade? 前進吧,輕騎兵!

Alfred Tennyson 阿爾弗雷德·丁尼生

Half a league, half a league,? 半英哩,半英哩,

Half a league onward, 半英哩地突進,

All in the valley of Death? 盡在死亡之谷

Rode the six hundred.? 六百騎兵進擊。

"Forward, the Light Brigade!? "前進吧,輕騎兵!

"Charge for the guns!" he said:? 向炮位沖鋒!"

Into the valley of Death? 挺進死亡之谷

Rode the six hundred.? 六百輕騎兵。

"Forward, the Light Brigade!"? "前進吧,輕騎兵! "

Was there a man dismay'd? 可有壹人膽怯?

Not tho' the soldier knew? 沒有!縱然戰士知曉

Someone had blunder'd:? 有人犯下了愚蠢的錯誤。

Theirs not to make reply,? 他們不作語言回答,

Theirs not to reason why,? 他們無意追根究底,

Theirs but to do and die:? 他們勇敢服從,慷慨赴死,

Into the valley of Death? 挺進死亡之谷

Rode the six hundred.? 六百輕騎兵。

Cannon to right of them,? 炮彈在右邊,

Cannon to left of them,? 炮彈在左邊,

Cannon in front of them? 炮彈在前面,

Volley'd and thunder'd;? 轟鳴著,齊射著,

Storm'd at with shot and shell,? 彈片飛濺如雨,

Boldly they rode and well,? 整齊的陣型巋然不亂,

Into the jaws of Death,? 直入死亡之口,

Into the mouth of Hell? 直闖地獄之門,

Rode the six hundred.? 六百輕騎兵。

Flash'd all their sabres bare, 他們的戰刀閃亮,

Flash'd as they turn'd in air,? 在空中寒光熠熠,

Sabring the gunners there,? 刀鋒指向敵人,

Charging an army, while? 沖陷那堅固的敵營,

All the world wonder'd:? 看吧,全世界震驚:

Plunged in the battery-smoke? 他們沖入炮火的硝煙,

Right thro' the line they broke;? 沖破敵軍的陣線;

Cossack and Russian? 哥薩克人、俄羅斯人

Reel'd from the sabre stroke? 紛紛驚恐逃竄,

Shatter'd and sunder'd. 被擊殺,被斬伐。

Then they rode back, but not? 他們策馬歸來, 但已不再,不再,

Not the six hundred.? 不再是完整的六百。

Cannon to right of them,? 炮彈在右邊,

Cannon to left of them,? 炮彈在左邊,

Cannon behind them? 炮彈在後面,

Volley'd and thunder'd;? 轟鳴著,齊射著,

Storm'd at with shot and shell,? 彈片飛濺如雨,

While horse and hero fell,? 戰馬和英雄倒下,

They that had fought so well? 英勇奮戰的輕騎兵

Came thro' the jaws of Death? 穿越了死亡之口,

Back from the mouth of Hell,? 踏碎了地獄之門,

All that was left of them,? 所有凱旋的生還者!

Left of six hundred.? 六百騎兵的生還者!

When can their glory fade? 他們的光榮永不褪色!

O the wild charge they made!? 他們的沖鋒永載史冊!

All the world wondered. 全世界為之震驚。

Honor the charge they made, 為他們的沖鋒榮耀!

Honor the Light Brigade,? 向輕騎兵敬以永恒的光榮,

Noble six hundred.? 英勇的,六百輕騎兵!

