古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - lori怎麽讀


lori的發音為:Luo Li。


lori的意思是:洛裏 ; 蘿莉 ; 洛瑞 ; 羅莉 ; 洛莉 ; 勞瑞。


1、Job searches are always about the job searcher, but not in Lori's case。找工作壹直是關於找工作的人是怎樣,要什麽。但是Lori不是這樣想的。

2、Lori had been attacked. No one was sure who did it or why。蘿莉被襲擊了,不知是誰,也不知為何。

3、Lori put Facebook's needs front and center. It was a killer approach。戈勒則把臉譜網的需要放到了第壹位,這的確是種極好的方式。

4、If people ask me with a genuine curiosity, "Lori, what is that?如果人們以壹種真誠而疑惑的口吻問我:“洛裏,那是什麽?”