We can if we want to如果我們想要我們便可做到
Lead you from behind you帶領妳背後的自己
Time will takes it s toll re-evaluate時間將重新評估它的罪行
The leeches the lepers start to salivate水蛭和麻風病患者開始垂涎
Truth is impaired cannot moderate毫無說服力的真相並不合理
Tension escalates you cannot tolerate緊張不斷升級,妳忍無可忍
Make you want to fly想讓妳飛離
Blind is the ambition that will ?navigate盲目的野心將會帶著妳
Default by design the virus infiltrates去逃避深入心中的病毒
Corrupted coerced the silence penetrates腐壞的強制悄無聲息的滲透下去
Echoing the void now disintegrate現在虛無的效仿開始崩壞
If you feel sometimes we re falling如果妳感到我們有時候墮落了
Like we re falling away就像我們在消失
I would not blame you我不會責怪妳
While you flow through my veins當妳流經我的靜脈
Well we pay the price we pay那麽我們會付出代價
Kill tomorrow yesterday在昨天抹滅明天
Want to我們想要
We can if we want to如果我們想要我們便可做到
Leave it all behind it s time to walk away將時間的流逝全部拋之腦後
A predator has a tendency to stalk their prey掠奪者就是本性難移
With the dawning of the sun awakes another day伴隨著太陽在另壹天升起
Desire that s required to play another game欲望也必須要玩另壹個遊戲
Make you want to fly讓妳想飛離
Blame will point it s finger shed some light on fault指責將表明它的手指將要把光明傾向罪惡
Around these memories we will build our wall伴隨著這些記憶我們將砌起自己的墻
Install instant karma start restoring all即時的報應將會修復壹切
Focus on the rise ignore the fall焦點的明朗會對墮落置之不顧
If you feel sometimes we re falling如果妳感到我們有時候墮落了
Like we re falling away就像我們在消失
I would not blame you我不會責怪妳
While you flow through my veins當妳流經我的靜脈
Well we pay the price we pay那麽我們會付出代價
Kill tomorrow yesterday在昨天抹滅明天
Want to我們想要We can if we want to如果我們想要我們便可做到
Lead you from behind you帶領妳背後的自己
Time will takes it s toll re-evaluate時間將重新評估它的罪行
The leeches the lepers start to salivate水蛭和麻風病患者開始垂涎
Truth is impaired cannot moderate毫無說服力的真相並不合理
Tension escalates you cannot tolerate緊張不斷升級,妳忍無可忍
Make you want to fly想讓妳飛離
Blind is the ambition that will ?navigate盲目的野心將會帶著妳
Default by design the virus infiltrates去逃避深入心中的病毒
Corrupted coerced the silence penetrates腐壞的強制悄無聲息的滲透下去
Echoing the void now disintegrate現在虛無的效仿開始崩壞