古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - bummer是什麽意思


bummer的意思是:n.失敗; <美>無賴; <俚>懶漢; <非正>令人不愉快的經歷(事件);[英][?b?m?(r)];?[美][?b?m?]

壹、短語搭配:bummer r低輪集材車;Double Bummer唱片名;Endless Bummer黴事無邊,沖浪大賽;bummer beat新聞記者對突發,災難性事件的追蹤報道;Code Bummer橫行紐約;bummer tribal遊民部落;Bummer Road唱片名;bummer Red仲夏紅。


1、Field research . so they found where we are ? belgium?bummer.現場勘查。他們發現我們了?真是群無賴!

2、Given all this , they did not exactly need their art to be a?bummer?too.他們對此已十分了然,無須其藝術再表現這種失落感。

3、But you know what ? alas , timothy treadwell is not gay .?bummer.但是妳知道嗎?噢,提摩西崔德威不是同性戀的。多麼令人失望!

4、I could swear they was beats and?bummers?, that s all , though that s worth something.我能宣誓證明說這是些敗類,是痞子,我能做的,僅此而已。

5、Ll : i ' m sorry , li hua . it ' s a real?bummer?, but i guess we ' re back to square one.我急都快急死了,妳還在做什麼遊戲,什麼方塊壹,方塊二的。方塊和我寫報告有什麼關系啊?

6、Germans take a strange pride in their ability to celebrate the?bummer?- - and it all goes back a long , long way.德國人對他們的悲觀主義深感驕傲,而且可以找到悠久的歷史根源。

7、Barbara : really , i knew you ' d been planning that trip . that ' s really a?bummer?you can ' t make it.芭芭拉:真是的,我知道這次遠行您已經安排很久了。那真令人討厭,這下子您就走不成了。

8、My university made me go to summer school because i failed one course - it was a?bummer?to spend the summer inside a classroom.因為有壹門課不及格,我的大學讓我參加暑期學校,呆在教室裏過這個夏天真讓人掃興。

9、God , i ' m sorry , that ' s such a?bummer?about your job . i ' m really sorry to hear it , but i know you ' ll find a better one soon.天啊,對不起。妳丟了工作真是太可惜了。聽到這個消息我很難過,但我知道妳能找到更好的。

10、Karmageddon : it ' s like , when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes , right ? and then , like , the earth explodes and it ' s like , a serious?bummer.末日亂象:就象每個人都在發出很糟糕的顫音,對不?或者就象地球爆炸,或者是壹段極不愉快的經歷。

11、Iconic status aside , travolta ' s career was nonetheless headed for a major and inevitable derailment : the late ' 70s and most of the next decade dished up a seemingly endless string of box office?bummers.
