古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - 57屆格蘭美奧巴馬演講稿



Good evening, everybody. Tonight, we celebrate artists whose music and

message help shape our culture. And together, we can change our culture

for the better by ending violence against women and girls.


Right now, nearly one in five women in America has been a victim of rape

or attempted rape. And more than one in four women has experienced some

form of domestic violence. It's not OK and it has to stop.


Artists have a unique power to change minds and attitudes and get us

thinking and talking about what matters. And all of us, in our own

lives, have the power to set an example. Join our campaign to stop this

violence. Go to itsonus.org and take the pledge. And to the artists at

the Grammys tonight, I ask you to ask your fans to do it too.



It's on us, all of us, to create a culture where violence isn't

tolerated, where survivors are supported, and where all our young people

-- men and women -- can go as far as their talents and their dreams

will take them. Thanks.
