妳知道嗎?“last year”和 “in the last year”所表達的意思是不同的。雖然翻譯成中文都是「去年」,但在英文裏,用法差多了!
Last year, I went to China.
In the last year, I’ve been to China ice.
1、Last year, I went to China.
2、In the last year, I’ve been to China ice.1)現在完成式(表示過去的事情對現在仍有持續影響)
2)in the last year通常會提到這個動作的頻率。如此句中,說到 “ice”兩次。相似的句子還有:
In the last 30 seconds, I have *** iled a lot.
In the last month, I have gone on the Inter hundreds of times.
In the last five days, I’ve eaten pizza one time.
3)in the last year強調的是去年的這整個時間「段」,在這段時間內,這個動作如何重復,如何影響。
現在明白了嗎?同樣的原理也可以運用在Last week/month;In the week/month上。
In the last week, my friend has been on 4 dates.
Last week, my friend went 4 dates.
練習1、last year還是in the last year?
_____, I have been to the movies ice.
2、last month還是in the last month?
_____, I bought a car.
1、In the last year。因為用了現在完成式,還有強調頻率、次數的詞語出現。
2、Last month。因為用的是過去式。
in the last month, in the last week, in the last year, in the last year 中文, last month, last week, last year, last year in the last year 差異, last year 中文, last year 英文, last year 還是 in the last year, 去年 last year, 去年 last year 還是 in the last year, 去年 英文, 去年 英文怎麽說, 學英文, 最後壹年 英文, 英文