羽毛球叫作 badminton,它所使用的拍子叫作 racket (也可拼作 racquet);
網球叫作 tennis, 它所使用的拍子叫作 bat ,或者 paddle ,或者 racket ;
乒乓球叫作 ping-pong 或者 table tennis,它所使用的拍子跟 tennis 壹樣,叫作 bat ,或者 paddle ,或者 racket 。
到這兒, bat, paddle, racket 已經讓妳暈了吧,來,醒醒腦:
Racket 壹般是像羽毛球拍壹樣有繃線的拍子,但是乒乓球拍顯然打破了這個規則。那麽三者的區別是什麽呢?
Wikipedia 是這麽說的:
The USA generally uses the term "paddle" while Europeans and Asians use the term "bat" and the official ITTF term is "racket". (註: ITTF 即 International Table Tennis Federation 國際乒乓球聯合會)
照例,我們的 racket 是沒這麽單純的。我們來說說它別的有趣的意思。
A. It's a racket.
--The price of the textbook is ridiculously high.
--The publishers know we have to buy it and there is no other choice. That's why they make it so expensive. The textbook business is a real racket!
猜出來了嗎? 沒錯,這句 "It's a racket" 是指“敲詐、牟取暴利的非法勾當”之類的意思。國外的很多教科書都很貴。教科書每個學生都要買,而且壹般是壟斷的,所以定價權完全在出版商手裏, “人為刀俎我為魚肉”啊。
B. What is all that racket?
當然不是! 來個語境猜壹下:
--What is all that racket? It's driving me crazy.
--I guess our neighbor is having a party again.
--Could you go talk to them and ask them to be quiet? I need to sleep.
沒錯,"What is all that racket?" 就是在說“什麽東西這麽吵?”!
我當年念的是寄宿制的高中,學校離機場不遠,可想而知那是怎樣的 racket。不過從此,我倒是對 racket 免疫力挺強的了~