some
of
their
homes
smell.
有些家裏面的味道很大。
The
smell
made
his
mouth
water.
食物的味道使他直流口水。
could
almost
smell
the
money.
我幾乎可以聞到鈔票的味道。
Bob
and
Sally
hate
the
smell
of
onions.
鮑勃和薩利都討厭洋蔥的味道。
smell
with
my
little
nose,
little
nose.
我用我的小鼻子,小鼻子來聞味道。
What
are
they
made
of?
They
smell
fragrant.
書簽是用什麽做的?聞起來香香的。
The
best
fish
smell
when
they
are
three
days
old.
最好的魚的香味是三天後才可以聞到。
Your
cigar
tinctures
the
room
with
an
awful
smell.
妳吸雪茄煙弄得滿屋子都是臭味。
Who
can
resist
the
wonderful
smell
of
bread
baking?
誰能抵擋住那烤面包的誘人味道?
need
to
touch
and
smell
and
feel
what's
going
on.
我需要摸和聞才能真正感覺到它做的怎麽樣。