已經清楚知道妳的壹切 When you were ten you said you'd make me your wife 當妳十歲的時侯
妳說過要我成為妳的妻子 And eight years later you won me over just as 然而八年後的妳卻只把我當作勝利品(又或者:八年後妳已經把我徹底打敗) I took the world on my shoulders 我像將世界放在肩上般沈重 I got used to living without you and those phone calls and dreaming about you 我想要學習沒有妳的日子____壹拼和妳那些頻繁的來電跟幻想都要忘掉 Always said that you were my man to be but I guess I was in love with your memory 以往常說我想變得與妳壹樣____但現在____ 我知道我只是在跟妳的回憶相愛 (Chorus) You know I love you
I really do 妳明知我是如何的愛妳 But I can't fight anymore for you 可惜我已再不能為妳努力下去 And I don't know maybe we'll be together again sometime 盡管以後的時間裏我也可能與妳再次相戀 (又或者:盡管以後的時間裏我也有與妳再次相戀的可能) In another life 沒有妳的生活 In another life 沒有妳的生活 I know I said that I would keep my word 我知道我曾經說過我會保留那壹句說話 I wish that I could save your from the hurt 我希望就此安全___遠離了妳給我的傷害 But things will never go back to how we were 可是任何事情都不能令我們回到過去 I'm sorry I can't be your world 抱歉___我真的不可以活在妳的世界裏 (Chorus) The way you're holding onto me makes me feel like I can't breathe 壹路以來____妳對待我的方式令我覺得像是透不過氣來 (又或者:壹路以來___妳的對待___我都讓我覺得難受) Just let me go 請妳讓我走吧 Just let me go 請妳讓我走吧 Just don't feel right inside 別再對我有甚麽的感覺 God knows I've tried 連天都知我是怎樣的努力過 You know i love you
you know i do 妳明知我是如何的愛妳 But i can't fight anymore for you 可惜我已再不能為妳努力下去 And i don't no maybe we'll be togheter again sometime 盡管以後的時間裏我也可能與妳再次相戀 (又或者:盡管以後的時間裏我也有與妳再次相戀的可能) In another life (4X) 沒有妳的生活 (請原諒我既幼稚文筆......真系我自己譯嫁..........譯左半個鐘)
參考: 自己親手譯
The Veronicas In Another Life
參考: shorte.im/a933h
i got used to livin w/o you 我己經習慣沒有妳的生活 and 8 years later u won me over just as i took the world on my shoulder 8年後當妳得到我既時候就好似要背負住壹個重擔咁 (呢句我唔知點用中文講出黎) and i dont know maybe we'll be together again 我唔知我地以後仲有無機會在壹齊