Tell me thy pany and I will tell thee what thou art
Money makes the mare to go 錢可通神。
Money often unmakes the men who make it 為富不仁。
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain 智力投資,決非虛擲。
Money talks 有錢能講話。
More die by food than by famine 饑饉而死的少,飽食而死的多。
More haste
less speed 欲速則不達。
More of our worries e from within than from without 煩惱發乎內者多於發乎外。
More worship the rising than the setting sun 人都向旭日膜拜,不向夕陽頂禮。
Most things have two handles 大多數事物總有兩種解釋。
Mother's darlings are but milksop heroes 奶水泡出懦弱漢。
英語諺語: Tell me thy pany and I will tell thee what thou art
中文意思: 把妳的交友講給我聽,我會講出妳是何許人。