nothing
in
common
vi.
毫無***同之處
they
have
nothing
in
common
with
each
other.
他們彼此沒有壹點***同之處。
--
英漢
-
辭典例句
these
"forces"
have
nothing
in
common
with
forces
in
the
newtonian
sense.
這些“力”和牛頓意義下的力毫無***同之處。
--
英漢
-
辭典例句
i
have
nothing
in
common
with
jane.
我和簡毫無***同之處.
--
英漢
-
辭典例句
the
two
have
nothing
in
common.
兩者毫無相同之處。
--
英漢
-
辭典例句
have
nothing
in
common
with;
totally
unconnected;
two
different
unrelated
things
風馬牛不相及