Seven Stories- by Sarah Whatmore
Tiptoe around you 在妳周圍踮著腳尖
Make that smile worth my while 讓那笑容值得等待
Again is this the end of time 時間又到了嗎
A stranger looked at me today 今天有陌生人看了我壹眼
And now I turn my head 現在我轉過頭
Is it easier for me to walk that way 走另壹邊,是不是比較好
And now I lose myself 現在我迷失了自己
‘cos I don’t know who to be 因為我不知道要做哪壹個我
Nothing’s what it seems 看到的似乎和事實不相符
What if I told you I 如果我告訴妳
was seven stories high 我站在七樓高,戰戰兢兢
Would you even reach for me 妳會伸手給我嗎
Keep pulling me back 壹直拉我回
Pulling me back from 壹直拉我回
All the things we used to be 我們曾經擁有的壹切
Moments gone too easily 時間過得太快
Never know it’s hard to keep you 從來都不知道要留妳這麽難
Pulling me back, pulling me back from you 壹直拉我,壹直從妳那裏拉我回去
So how do I make you? 那我該怎麽做?
Two hands up I admit 我把雙手舉起,承認
I’m still waiting for you 我還在等妳
To open up and let me in 等妳坦白,讓我走進
I’ll run your race to the end 我會和妳跑到最後
I’ve got my running shoes on 我已經把運動鞋都穿上了
Tell me where the start begins 告訴我,要從哪裏開始
And now I lose myself 現在我迷失了自己
‘cos I don’t know where to be 因為我不知道要去哪裏
Nothing’s what it seems 看到的似乎和事實不相符
What if I told you I 如果我告訴妳
was seven stories high 我站在七樓高,戰戰兢兢
Would you even, reach me 妳會伸手給我嗎
Keep pulling me back 壹直拉我回
Pulling me back from 壹直拉我回
All the things we used to be 從我們曾經擁有的壹切
Moments gone too easily 時間過得太快
Never know it’s hard to keep you 從來都不知道要留妳這麽難
Pulling me back, pulling me back from you 壹直拉我,壹直從妳那裏拉我回去
So how do I make you? 那我該怎麽做?
‘Cos you say what you say 因為妳說妳想說的
And you do what you do 妳做妳想做的
And that’s the last thing I would do 卻是我最不想做的
What if I told you I 如果我告訴妳
was seven stories high 我站在七樓高,戰戰兢兢
Would you even reach for me 妳會伸手給我嗎
Keep pulling me back 壹直拉我回
Pulling me back from 壹直拉我回
All the things we used to be 從我們曾經擁有的壹切
Moments gone too easily 時間過得太快
Never know it’s hard to keep you 從來都不知道要留妳這麽難
Pulling me back, pulling me back from you 壹直拉我,壹直從妳那裏拉我回去
So how do I make you? 那我該怎麽做?
If I can’t break through 如果我不可以沖破這障礙