It isn’t worth the trouble.?不值得費那個事。
He is a worthy gentleman.?他是位值得尊敬的紳士。
His behaviour is worthy of great praise.?他的行為值得高度贊揚。
They achieved a very worthwhile result.?他們取得了很有價值的成果。
We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the tickets.?我們等了很久,但還算值得,因為我們把票買到了。
That is very worthy of our attention.?那件事很值得我們註意。
Nursing is a very worthwhile career.?護理工作是很值得幹的職業。
但習慣上不說:The work is very worth doing. (very?應改為?well)
(1) be worth?後可直接跟名詞、代詞、動名詞(該動名詞用主動形式表示被動意義),但不能後接不定式。如:
The picture is worth $ 500.?這幅畫值?500?美元。
The book is worth reading. / It’s worth reading the book.?這本書值得讀。
註意不說:The book is worth to read. / The book is worth being read.
(2) be worthy?後不能直接跟名詞、代詞或動名詞,若要接,應借助介詞?of,也可後接不定式。如:
Their efforts are worthy of your support.?他們的努力應得到妳的支持。
He is worthy to receive such honour.?他應該得到這種榮譽。
This suggestion is?worthy?to be considered.?這個建議值得考慮。(註意:此句中的不定式要用被動形式表示被動意義)
(3) be worthwhile?後接動名詞或不定式均可。如:
It is?worthwhile?buying the dictionary.?這本詞典值得買。(其中的?worthwhile?也可換成?worth)
It is worthwhile to discuss the plan again.?這個計劃值得再討論壹次。(其中的?worthwhile?不能換成?worth,因為其後接用了不定式)