"Pass" 是壹個多義詞,它可以表示多種含義,以下是壹些常見的用法和意思:
及格,通過(考試、測試等):I hope I can pass the driving test this time. (我希望這次考駕照能夠及格。)
傳遞、遞交或轉交某物:Can you please pass me the salt?(請把鹽遞給我好嗎?)
經過、穿過:We will pass through the forest on our way to the campsite.(我們去露營地的路上會經過森林。)
逝去、去世:Her grandfather passed away last night.(她的祖父昨晚去世了。)
超越、領先:Our company has passed its competitors in terms of market share.(我們公司在市場占有率方面超越了競爭對手。)
通過、認可:The proposal has passed the board's approval.(該提案已經通過董事會的批準。)
過期、失效:Your passport has already passed its expiration date.(妳的護照已經過期了。)