n. 妓女,男妓;性關系不道德的女子
vi. 賣淫,娼妓
婊子; 印象槳; 娼妓; 妓女 復數:whores 過去式:whored 過去分詞:whored 現在分詞:whoring 第三人稱單數:whores
1. 同 prostitute A whore is the same as a prostitute .
2. 淫婦;婊子 If you call a woman a whore, you disapprove of her because you consider her
sexual behaviour to be immoral or unacceptable.
1She is just a two-bit whore. 她只是壹個不入流的娼妓。
2. The woman's a whore, and there's an end.
3. Even if she were a virtueless woman, or a shameless whore, she would be Queen nevertheless.
4. So the message is,I should treat every woman like a whore?
5. Besides, he has a whore in Rome who calls herself a princess.
6. You just run to your little whore, but then you're getting married!
7. It's the end of spreading your Legs,whore!
8. Treat yourself to a good dinner, a good cigar and a good whore?
9. I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world.
10. I confess I embraced a whore's freedom over a wife's obedience.
11. They want drinking and whore, just to prove how macho they be.
12. Hey madame you've a whore here who's cutting out!
13. A whore is never too tired to open her legs. 為了寬他我自己也說不上想不想去,看到卡爾又同她調起情來,我才決定去。
14. At least the whore pays the flesh that's haggled for. 妓女至少還在討價還價後支付她們的肉體。
15. You are dressed up like a whore, it's terrible. 妳打扮得妖裏妖氣的,真嚇人。
16. We all know you are the son of a terreous whore. 我們都知道妳是黑人妓女的兒子。
17. Brad, for 14 years, I've been a whore for the advertising industry. 布蘭德,我在廣告業出賣自己已經有十四個年頭了。
18. But I won't be your concubine-I'm a puppet not a whore. 但俺不會成您的姘頭-俺是壹木偶不是壹娼妓。
19. Have you ever seen a whore and liar like CNN? 各位見沒見過象CNN壹樣的妓女和說謊者?
20. I cannot believe you are still with that whore. 我真不敢相信妳還跟那個婊子在壹起。