古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - feedback是什麽意思



例句:1、The result of negative feedback is to inhibit or weaken the physiological activities that cause feedback.負反饋的結果是對引起反饋作用的生理活動起抑制或減弱作用。

2、I hope to collect feedback from students through this questionnaire survey.我希望通過這次問卷調查收集到同學們的反饋意見。

3、When I turn on the microphone, it gives off a sharp feedback.我壹打開麥克風,它就發出尖厲的反饋噪音。

4、Have you had any feedback from customers about the new soap?有關新款肥皂妳有沒有收到顧客的反饋意見。

5、Let's gather the customer feedback first. Then, we can adjust the product accordingly.首先,讓我們收集顧客反饋。然後,我們可以據此調整產品。

6、We received a lot of negative feedback about our last event.我們收到很多關於上次活動的負面反饋。

7、I always try to give positive feedback to my coworkers.我總是盡量給同事積極的反饋。

8、He got a lot of positive feedback on his work.他的工作獲得不少好評。