1. 不可數名詞: 招待,款待
2.[U,C] 遊藝,演藝;余興
3.[U,C] 娛樂,消遣
There are few entertainments in that town.
那個鎮上幾乎沒有娛樂活動。,an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention,entertainment tax 筵席捐 ,entertainment circle 娛樂圈 ,arabian nights' entertainment phr. 壹千零壹夜 ,entertainment party 招待會 ,missary in charge of entertainment 文娛委員 ,entertainment expense 經 交際費, 招待費 ,give an entertainment to *** 招待(某人) ,entertainment center 娛樂中心 ,onboard entertainment 旅途中安排的娛樂活動 ,associated entertainment 非業務直接有關的招待費 ,entertainment n.1.[U] 招待,款待2.[U,C] 遊藝,演藝;余興3.[U,C] 娛樂,消遣參考例句:There are few entertainments in that t,AI (abbr. = artificial intelligence) 人工智能人工智能,壹般簡稱為AI,是研究、開發用於模擬、延伸和擴展人的智能的理論、方法、技術及應用系統的壹門新的技術科學。,ai abbr. 1.=accidentally incurred 偶然招致的,遭遇意外2.=artificial insemination人工授精3.=artificial intellig,airstairs 登機梯, 客梯,maitai 邁代雞尾酒,undermaintained 維護不足的,Veigaiaidae 維蟎科,railchair n. (鐵道)軌座,mainsail n. 大桅的帆,主帆,大桅帆,maintainable a. 1.可維持的,可保持的2.可維修的;可保養的;可撫養的3.可主張的