You were a poisonYou flooded through my veins妳是毒藥 妳洶湧在我的脈絡中
You left me broken妳讓我心碎
You tried to make me thinkThat the blame was all on me妳想讓我覺得所有的事都錯在我
With the pain you put me through經過那些妳給我的傷痛
And now I know that it's not me it's youIt's not me it's you我現在明白了不是我的錯,是妳的
Always has been you 壹直都是妳的錯
All the lies and stupid things you say and do妳說的做的所有的謊言
So here we go again The same fight we're always in所以讓我們再這樣繼續 投入我們壹直進行的冷戰
I don't care so why pretend 我不在乎為什麽要假裝
Wake me when your lecture ends當妳的話說完 我才清醒過來
You tried to make me small Make me fall 妳試圖讓我渺小墮落
and it's all your fault所有的都是妳的錯
You driving me insane妳快把我逼瘋了
And now you're gone away現在妳走了I'm no longer choking我不在啜泣
From the pain you put me throughAnd now I know that it's not me it's youIt's not me it'sYOU!從妳給的傷痛我就已經明白 錯在妳 而不是我