無論什麽時候妳有煩心事 我都能在這找到妳
-Serena: you here for another catfight?
catfight: 激烈的爭吵 妳是來吵架的嗎?
What's that? 那是什麽?
-Blair: A letter.
I wrote it to you when you were, away at boarding school. boarding: 供膳宿的
當妳在寄宿學校的時候 我寫給妳的
I never sent it.
sent: send 的過去式,寄出
"Dear Serena, "my world, is falling apart, "
親愛的 Serena,我的世界崩潰了
and you're the only, one who would understand.
"My father left my mother for, a 31-year-old model... model: 模特
我爸爸為了壹個 31 歲的模特離開了我媽媽
"a male model. male: 男性的 壹個男模特
"I feel like screaming "because, I don't have anyone to talk to.
screaming: 尖叫
我真想大叫壹場 因為沒有人聽我傾訴
"You're gone...
"my dad's gone.
Nate's acting weird.
act: 表現、舉止 weird: 怪異的
Nate 表現的很奇怪
"where are you?
Why don't you call?
"Why did you leave without, saying good-bye?
"You're supposed to be my best friend.
妳應該是我最好的朋友 I miss you so much. miss: 想念
"love, Blair. Blair.
-Serena: why didn't you send it?
為什麽妳不寄? I would've-- -, 我會…
-Blair: you would've what?
You knew, Serena, and, you didn't even call.
妳知道的 Serena 但是妳都沒打電話來
-Serena: I didn't know what to say to you or even, how to be your friend after what I did.
我不知道該對妳說什麽 在我對妳做那樣的事以後,都不知道怎麽做妳的朋友
I'm so sorry.
-Blair: Eric told me what happened. Eric 告訴我發生了什麽
I guess your family's been going through a hard time, too. guess: 想,認為
-Gossip Girl: Spotted in central park--, two white flags waving. spotted: 為別人所註意的 flag: 旗子 wave: 飄動;飄揚 在紐約中央公園 兩面白旗在舞動
Could an upper east side, peace accord be far off? upper: 上部的,上層的 accord: 協定 東區的和平協議還會遠嗎?
So what will it be--, truce or consequences?
truce: 休戰 consequence: 結果 會是什麽呢? 徹底休戰 還是暫時休整?
We all know one nation, can't have two queens. nation: 國家 queen: 皇後 我們都知道壹個國家不能有兩個皇後
What happens next?
Dear Serena:
My world is falling apart,and you're the only one who would understand. My father left my mother for a 31-year-old model, a male model. I fell like screaming because I don't hane anyone to talk to. You're gone,
dad's gone, Nate's acting weird. Where are you? Why did you leave without saying good-bye? You're supposed to be my best friend.I miss you so much.
Lovely Blair