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運用這種修辭手法,能夠使要表達的思想加深,感情逐步強化,因而能夠增強語言的說服力和感染力。?以程度的深淺,語意的輕重的順序來排列語句。例如:I am sorry, I am so very sorry, I am so extremely sorry. I admire her, I love her, I need her.

以範圍的大小順序來排列語句。例如:He wanted to educate his children, serve this country, and satisfy his God.He gazed upon the pretty houses, green hills and the broad Pacific.

以時間的先後順序來排列語句 。例如:They came, they played, they conquered.The prisoner was first questioned, then tortured, and finally shot.


climax作名詞時的意思是高潮; 頂點,極點; 層進法; [生物學] 頂極群落。作及物動詞時的意思是達到頂點; 達到巔峰; 使達到高潮; 使達到性高潮。例句:For Pritchard, reaching an Olympics was the climax of her career.(對普裏查德來說,參加奧運會是她事業上的巔峰。)

第三人稱單數:climaxes,現在分詞:climaxing,過去式:climaxed,過去分詞:climaxed ,形近詞: climat。

anticlimax的意思是漸降法,虎頭蛇尾。例句:A feeling of anti-climax set in.(壹種虎頭蛇尾的掃興之感油然而生。)After a week of dramatic negotiations, all that followed was anticlimax.(在壹星期戲劇性的談判之後,所有的結尾都是令人掃興的。)