古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - apocalypse是什麽意思



1、Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse. 文明已瀕臨毀滅的邊緣。

2、We live in the shadow of the apocalypse, of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself. 我們生活在意味著世界末日將要到來的災難的陰影當中。

3、Food safe system construction of foreign country give apocalypse to China 國外食品安全體系建設對中國的啟

4、Local Culture in the Apocalypse of China's Modern Landscape Design 本土文化對中國現代景觀設計的啟示

5、Innovation of Management Mechanism& Apocalypse of Positive Feedback to Management 管理機制創新&正反饋給管理的啟示

6、Trend, Characteristic and Apocalypse of the Foreign Port Logistics Development 國外港口物流發展的趨勢、特征及啟示

7、The Competition Law System International Comparison Research and Its Apocalypse to Macau 競爭法的國際比較及其對澳門的啟示

8、Economics Regulation Theory and Practice and Its Apocalypse to China 經濟規制的理論與實踐及其對我國的啟示