古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - dota6.61





6.61beta changelogs

* Fixed natural regeneration on rax


* Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly

*修正 樹精守衛 無法為建築加血的問題

* Fixed incorrect sell value on some aghanim scepters

*修正某些時候賣出 A杖 會有不正常價格的問題。

* Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode

*修正壹個當玩家用低畫質顯示時 雙倍神符 的顯示問題。

* Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12)

*降低雙刃劍的冷卻時間 25->12 (半人馬酋長)

* Watchers now have collision. They also have 400 less vision range and give +40 more bounty.

* 螞蟻的小弟。。現在也有碰撞體積。同時減少400 的視野 以及 殺死會得到40gold的獎勵。

- Various misc code fps stuff


- Undid magic stick cd change

- 取消魔杖的cd改動

- Undid Sil armor change


- Fixed Reverse Polarity, it properly places them infront of you now

-現在使用半人猛獁的ult 會把敵人準確地放置在妳面前。

* Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field

*改正壹個 等離子場的傷害計算bug(電魂)。

* Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files (PGRu-Unexpect3D)

*減少因導入個人文件(譯註:應該是指自己換模型、地形之類)而導致使用shiva 或者 等離子場時的幀數下降

* Improved Faceless Void's base strength (17->23)

增加虛空假面的初始力量 17—23

* Improved Silencer's base armor by 2 points


* Restored original cooldown improvement on Scepter for QoP

女王裝備a杖以後,大招cd變成120/100/80 秒

* Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50

增加骷髏弓箭手灼熱之箭的傷害,從10/20/30/40 改為 20/30/40/50

* Increased projectile speed on Mystic Snake


* Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown (70->35)


* Sven's Storm bolt now uses the normal unit targeting scheme. No gameplay changes, just the interface visuals.

*Sven風暴之錘 的施法方式變回以前(鼠標點選,6.60是AoE選取)。

* Fixed -ns mode

*修改 -ns模式

* Fixed Napalm not properly stacking and doing higher constant values [needs playtesting since it may be too useless now]

*修正 蝙蝠騎士 的燃油無法正確疊加 而造成更高的傷害(仍需要測試,因為現在它可能太過廢柴)

* Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range (+25) to fix some order issue bugs [make sure u can't abuse it]

*小幅度提升 森林之眼 的施法範圍(+25)以及修正壹些bug

* Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit will no longer take you out if if you have it on you

*如果妳(樹精)處於 自然偽裝 的隱身狀態,那麽如果妳對隊友使用隱型,不會打破妳自身的隱形效果。

* Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you


* Lowered Magic Stick/Wand cooldown from 17 to 13

*降低魔杖/棒的cd 17->13

* Added a new icon for Slardar's Bash (3587)

*為魚人守衛的 bash 添加壹個新的圖標
