ever
a.
很少(幾乎從不,難得)
例句與用法:
You
hardly
ever
see
owls
in
the
daytime.
白天幾乎看不
到貓頭鷹.
have
hardly
ever
been
out
of
this
city.
我幾乎未曾離開過這個城市。
My
grandfather
loves
his
island.
He
hardly
ever
sets
foot
in
the
city.
我祖父熱愛他那個小島,他幾乎從不進城來。
hardly
ever
see
them
nowadays.
近來我很少見他們。
Peter
is
hardly
ever
late.
瑪麗幾乎從不遲到。
He
hardly
ever
(ie
very
seldom)
goes
to
bed
before
midnight.
他很少在午夜以前就寢.