第83屆奧斯卡獲獎人(6張) 最佳男主角(Performance by an actor in a leading role): 科林·費斯(colin firth)-《國王的演講》(The King's Speech) 最佳女主角(Performance by an actress in a leading role): 娜塔莉·波特曼(natalie portman)-《黑天鵝》(Black Swan) 最佳男配角(Performance by an actor in a supporting role): 克裏斯蒂安·貝爾(christian bale)-《鬥士》(The Fighter) 最佳女配角(Performance by an actress in a supporting role): 梅麗莎·裏奧(melissa leo)-《鬥士》(The Fighter) 最佳動畫長片(Best animated feature film of the year): 《玩具總動員3》Toy Story 3 最佳外語片(Best foreign language film of the year): 《更好的世界》/In a Better World,丹麥 最佳原創劇本(Original screenplay): 《國王的演講》/ David Seidler, The King's Speech 最佳改編劇本(Adapted screenplay): 《社交網絡》/ Aaron Sorkin,The Social Network 最佳配樂(Achievement in music written for motion pictures -Original score): 《社交網絡》/ Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross,The Social Network 最佳藝術指導(Art Direction): 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》/Robert Stromberg (Production Design), Karen O'Hara (Set Decoration),Alice in Wonderland 最佳攝影(Achievement in Cinematography): 《盜夢空間》/Wally Pfister,Inception 最佳服裝設計(Achievement in costume design): 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》/Colleen Atwood,Alice in Wonderland 最佳紀錄長片(Best Documentary Feature): 《監守自盜》Inside Job 最佳紀錄短片(Best documentary short subject): 《不再是陌生人》 Strangers No More 最佳剪輯(Achievement in film editing): 《社交網絡》/ Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter,The Social Network 最佳化妝(Achievement in makeup): 《狼人》/Rick Baker and Dave Elsey,The Wolfman 最佳原創電影歌曲(Achievement in music written for motion pictures -Original song): "We Belong Together" - 《玩具總動員3》(Toy Story 3) 最佳音效剪輯(Achievement in sound editing): 《盜夢空間》/Richard King,Inception 最佳音響效果(Achievement in sound mixing): 《盜夢空間》/Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick,Inception 最佳視覺效果(Achievement in visual effects): 《盜夢空間》/Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb,Inception 最佳動畫短片(Best animated short film): 《失物招領》(The Lost Thing) 最佳真人短片(Best live action short film): 《愛神》(God of Love) 埃爾文-薩爾伯格紀念獎(Irving J. Thalberg Award): 弗朗西斯-福特-科波拉(Francis Ford Coppala) 終身成就獎: 讓-盧克-戈達爾(Jean-Luc Godard) 伊萊-沃勒克(Eli Wallach) 凱文-布朗羅(Kevin Brownlow)