古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - G聯賽DOTA規則怎麽樣



1. 勝利方式:壹方認輸打出GG或者摧毀對方世界之樹/冰封王座;

2. 比賽開始前15分鐘為主機測試時間,期間在主機內由雙方場上隊長輸入-Roll 100,勝利的壹方絕優先選擇天災或者近衛、先選或者後選,另壹方決定另外壹項,如:A隊選擇先選或者後選,則由B隊選擇近衛或者天災;

3. 比賽模式:-CM模式(由Roll點決定的雙方陣營與Ban/Pick順序決定),-CM1為近衛優先Ban/Pick,-CM2為天災優先Ban/Pick;

4. 嚴禁出現任何形式的養人情況,不允許替隊友購買任何增加屬性的物品或者購買用於合成的卷軸,裁判有權進行警告,警告無效有權判負本場比賽;

5. 允許借給同壹路的隊友下列恢復性物品:治療指環、虛無寶石、恢復戒指、藝人面罩,但不得長時間持有,若同壹路隊友分開但不歸還物品,裁判有權根據當時情況進行警告,警告無效後,可將此戰隊判負本場比賽;

6. 若借用物品造成了與本身的物品進行了合成,將被視為犯規;

7. 允許***享遊戲默認可以***享的物品,但是不允許出售;例外:空瓶的歸屬權不得更改,也不得協助補充泉水和神符;

8. 允許***享操作用小雞存放物品或者英雄購買商品,購買的商品必須直接交付給購買者;

9. 當小雞被敵人殺死,所掉物品被敵人撿起則被視為對方的戰利品,可以在拾取方隊內交換使用或者出售或摧毀,但是只可交換壹次,持有者壹旦回到泉水或者走出泉水則不得再次變更戰利品的所有權;雙方同樣享有此戰利品權利;

10. 隊友撿起的本方小雞掉落物品,則必須歸還掉落者,在此期間此隊員禁止攻擊敵人和野怪,拾取者壹旦回到泉水,必須將物品歸還原持有者或放在地上;(真視寶石除外)

11. 當壹個物品從玩家身上掉落,如該物品揀取後不能丟下,隊友可以選擇摧毀物品,或者等候原物品持有者復活,拾取物品;(真視寶石則可以任意拾取)

12. 允許使用掉線角色繼續進行比賽,任何情況下都不允許拾取或賣掉掉線者的物品,包括使用掉線者賣出(Team Sell)。掉線者的裝備可放在壹邊,但只允許放在本方水泉附近,也允許追加掉線者的裝備,出現惡意養人情況將被警告,警告無效將會被判負;

13. 遇到特殊情況,雙方各擁有2次緊急暫停權利,但需向裁判說明暫停理由;其余情況下需要暫停,場上隊長需在公聊頻道提出或者舉手示意,在裁判許可的情況下,由裁判進行操作,暫停時間都不得超過3分鐘,任何場上選手的私自暫停將會收到警告等處罰;依據《2.1團隊項目管理規定》第23條;

14. 比賽暫停不允許在雙方交戰過程中發生,任何壹方違反次規定將被予以警告,警告無效後,裁判有權判負本場比賽;

15. 若出現冒名頂替、代打、假賽、作弊等有違比賽公平原則的情況,壹經查實,將直接取消此選手本賽季所有比賽成績與參賽資格,並在以後的賽季中考慮其參賽資格,或依據《2.1團隊項目管理規定》第22條判罰;

16. 比賽完成後,雙方戰隊管理者可保留戰隊比賽錄像,以便在產生糾紛的情況下備查,但包括戰隊管理者在內的所有戰隊成員不得在沒有得到賽事組委會許可的情況下,向外界發布相關比賽錄像,相關規定參考《管理規定-總則》第30條。



1. Victory: One team typing GG or destroy the world tree or the frozen throe.

2. Players allow to test the host 15 minutes before the game start. Within the host, team captain -roll 100, the winner able to choose the scourge or the sentinel. Team A choose the scourge them Team B to be the sentinel.

3. Game mode: -CM (Roll winner decide Ban/Pick) -CM1 for sentinel Ban/Pick -CM2 for scourge Ban/Pick

4. Players are not allowed to give the money to your teammate, not allow purchasing any inventory for your teammate. The referee warning for the first time appears than disqualified.

5. Allowed to share products like: ring of health; Void Stonel; Ring of regeneration; Sobi Mask. But can not use these items for a long time. If a player leave the line and did not return the iteams, the referee has a rights to warning this player and maybe disqulified.

6. If use borrowed iteams to combined iteams, then seems fault.

7. Players are able to share the accepetable iteams but not able to sale them. Eg: empty bottle only belong to a person who buy it, others can not help to gain the water from the life spring.

8. Players are able to use anmial courier and only able to purchase own iteams.

9. If a anmial courier has been killed, the enemies might collect all drop items, and have the right to destoried or sale them, but only once. Players are not able to sale them once they out of the life spring as well as sharing them.

10. If a player collect own side products them must give back the player who purchase it. Within this period, player are not able to fight, must back to life spring first them given back to iteams (Gem of true sight are acceptable)

11. If a player collect a iteams drop from other player which can not be throw, this player are able to destory the items or wait for other player alive (Gem of ture sight are acceptable)

12. Dropped hero are able to contiue played, but any items of this particular player can not be used of sale or team sell. Warning will be given or disqulifed.

13. If any special suituation occur, both sides have 2 change to pause the game, but must tell the reasons to referee. Other suituation must annouced to the referre first the let the referre to pause the game. Any pause can not be over 3 minutes. Please see 2.1 No 23.

14. Any pause can not be occur with engagement period. Warning will be given or disqulifed.

15. If imposter, fake game or any cheat occurs, this players or teams will be cancel the qulification or disqulifed and consider the later qulification. Please see 2.1 No 22.

16. Both leaders are able to save the replays as the evidence, but not allow posting to other media without organization permission. See General No 30