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Defining Cultural and Creative Industries定義文化創意產業

According to international organizations, such as UNESCO, cultural industries combine the creation, production and distribution of goods and services that are cultural in nature and usually protected by intellectual property rights.根據國際組織,如聯合國教科文組織,文化產業,結合創作,生產和商品和服務的性質,通常由文化知識產權保護的分配。

In Canada cultural industries include text, music, television, film and publishing as well as crafts and design.在加拿大的文化產業包括文字,音樂,電視,電影和出版以及工藝和設計。 More recently, architecture, the visual and performing arts, sport, advertising, cultural tourism, digital art-games and other forms of new media have been added.最近,建築,視覺和表演藝術,體育,廣告業,文化旅遊業,數字藝術,遊戲和其他形式的新媒體增加了。 In British Columbia organizations, such as the Council of Forest Industries, promote “value-added production” and encourage creative use of forest resources in well-designed and labour-intensive finished products crafted from wood.在不列顛哥倫比亞省的組織,推動,如森林工業,安理會在精心設計和制作的木材勞力密集的成品“增值”,鼓勵創造性地利用森林資源。 Both knowledge-based and labour-intensive industries create employment and wealth.這兩個知識型和勞動密集型產業創造就業機會和財富。 Researchers in Canada are encouraged to develop projects and make models that nurture creativity and foster innovation in societies that maintain cultural diversity and enhance economic performance.加拿大研究人員正在鼓勵發展項目,並培養模式,即在社會中保持文化多樣性和促進經濟表現創造力,促進創新。

Wikipedia (the online resource that so many students rely on and certain academics question as a reliable source for information) explains: “The phrase creative industries (or sometimes creative economy) refers to a set of interlocking industry sectors that focus on creating unique property, content or design that previously did not exist.維基百科(網上資源有這麽多學生和壹些學者依賴問題作為壹個可靠的信息源)解釋說:“這句話創意產業(或有時創意經濟)指的是連鎖行業,重點是建立壹套獨特的屬性,內容或設計,以前並不存在。 Economic contributions from creative industries have been increasing, particularly as manufacturing industries have become increasingly automated and process-driven.從創意產業的經濟貢獻不斷增加,特別是制造業已成為日益自動化和過程驅動的。 The economic contributions are often cited as being a growing part of the global economy.經濟的貢獻常常被引用作為壹個全球經濟增長的壹部分。

In general creative industries in most parts of the world include those creating and exploiting intellectual property products such as music, books, film and games, or providing business-to-business creative services, including advertising, public relations and direct marketing.在世界大部分地區的總體創意產業包括那些創造和利用,如音樂,書籍,電影和遊戲,或提供企業對企業創新服務,包括廣告,公***關系和直銷知識產權產品。 Aesthetic live-performance experiences are also generally included, which contributes to an overlap with definitions of art and culture and even aspects of tourism and sport.審美實彈表演經驗也普遍包括在內,這有助於與藝術和文化,旅遊和體育方面的定義,甚至重疊。 Economic activities focused on designing, making and selling objects or works of art, such as jewellery, haute couture, books of poetry and other creative writing and fine art, are often included in the sector because the value of such objects derives from a high degree of aesthetic.”經濟活動主要集中於設計,制造和銷售對象,如珠寶或藝術品,高級時裝,詩歌和其他文學創作,美術書籍,往往是在該部門包括在內,因為這些對象的值從高度派生審美。“

In Vancouver digital media companies currently operate in five areas: interactive design; digital entertainment and games; digital film, animation and special effects; mobile content and applications, including games; and E-learning.在溫哥華的數字媒體公司目前經營五個方面:交互式設計,數字娛樂和遊戲,數字電影,動畫和特殊效果;移動內容和應用,包括遊戲和電子學習。 By 2010 products developed by Vancouver's digital sectors will impact many sectors – for example, health care, education and military activities – as practical applications and training tools and as next generation technology innovations.由溫哥華的數字部門的發展將影響到2010年的產品,例如很多行業 - 醫療保健,教育和軍事活動的實際應用和培訓工具和下壹代技術革新 - 。

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