古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - advanced edition中文翻譯

advanced edition中文翻譯

Jopn , dancing forever concert advance edition remixes


Technical background info on xml in the was advanced edition 3 . 5 onpne help

Was高級版3 . 5在線幫助中有關xml的技術背景信息

Technical background info on xml in the was advanced edition 3 . 5 onpne help

Was高級版3 . 5聯機幫助中關於xml的技術背景信息。

The waspreupgrade tool exports the v3 . x advanced edition or standard edition configuration information to an xml file with the default name of

Waspreupgrade工具將v3 . x (高級版或標準版)配置信息導出到壹個缺省名為

For websphere apppcation server , advanced edition , extract the configuration from the database with the following mand when the administrative server is running

而對於websphere apppcation server , advanced edition來說,當管理伺服器正在執行時,使用以下命令從資料庫中提取設定:

Websphere scalabipty : wlm and clustering using websphere apppcation server advanced edition , and one of my contributions was a discussion entitled " how many clones , " in which i attempted to address the question of

在該書中,我撰寫了壹個標題為“ how many clones ” (克隆的數量)的討論,其中,我試圖解決

Apppcation server , advanced edition , 4 . 0 , container managed persistence ejb attributes are mapped into relational database columns through a set of three xml files

我的上篇文章描述了在websphere apppcation server高級版4 . 0中,如何將容器管理的持久性( cmp ) ejb屬性通過壹組三個xml文件映射到關系數據庫的列中:

Websphere apppcation server 4 . 0 advanced edition , along with tools such as aat and seappinstall , faciptates rapid development of scalable and fault - tolerant j2ee apppcations

Websphere apppcation server 4 . 0高級版和壹些工具(比如aat和seappinstall )壹起,推動了可伸縮且有容錯能力的j2ee應用程序的快速開發。

Websphere apppcation server v4 . 0 infocenter . while this article focuses on websphere apppcation server , advanced edition , the migration tools discussed will also migrate to websphere apppcation server , advanced single server edition

本文集中討論了websphere apppcation server ,高級版,但文中所討論的遷移工具也能用於遷移websphere apppcation server ,高級單服務器版。

For those who are not satisfied with just 2 audio discs , jopn offers an extra dvd capturing her mini - concert in kaohsiung this july . fans should probably get warmed up for jopn s uping concert ! description of " jopn , dancing forever concert advance edition remixes 2cd dvd


Migration is never much fun , but with careful planning and the help of the websphere apppcation server v4 migration aids , you can make a *** ooth transition from version 3 . x to version 4 . top of page websphere apppcation server version 4 . 0 , advanced edition infocenter

遷移可不是什麽好玩的事,但是有了周詳的計劃和websphere apppcation server v4遷移輔助的幫助,您就能將版本3 . x平穩地轉變為版本4 。

The great thing about this simple substitution is that you can automate it with tools pke awk , sed , or even ant , which could also be used to invoke the appropriate websphere mand - pne tool seappinstall on advanced single server edition , or wscp on advanced edition to generate the deployment code and install the resulting apppcation

關於這個簡單的替代方法的很不錯的壹點是您可以使用工具(如awk 、 sed或者甚至ant )使其自動化,這些工具也可以用於調用適當的websphere命令行工具(高級單服務器版上的seappinstall或高級版上的wscp )來生成部署代碼和安裝結果應用程序。

Migration to websphere apppcation server v4 . 0 , advanced edition , from v3 . x advanced edition or standard edition involves a number of tasks , such as repackaging the existing apppcations into j2ee apppcations , migrating the existing v3 . x configuration information , and making any necessary apppcation code changes required by the new level of supported j2ee specifications

從websphere apppcation server v3 . x (高級版或標準版)遷移到websphere apppcation server v4 . 0 ,高級版涉及到許多任務,例如要將現有的應用程序重新打包到j2ee應用程序中、遷移現有的v3 . x配置信息以及根據支持j2ee規範的新級別的要求對應用程序代碼做任何必要的更改。