Astrological sign: taurus 星座:金牛座
Height:167cm 身高:167cm
Weight:50kg 體重:50公斤
Languages: English, Mandarin 語言能力:英語,普通話
Character: urg…depends. A bit crazy sometime 性格: 比較難預測
Hobbies: adventures, traveling, movies and music 嗜好: 閱讀,看電影,旅遊
Favorite color: aquamarine 最心愛的顏色:水藍色
Favorite bands:New Orders, Frou Frou 最喜歡的歌手: New Orders, Frou Frou
Favorite past-time : hanging out w/ friends 最享受的時間:和好朋友在壹起
Favorite thing: all the animals on planet! . 最享受的事: 和動物在壹起
Favorite weather: sunny days 最喜歡的天氣: 晴天
Favorite tagline: “Whatever…!” 最愛講的壹句話:最近喜歡講:Whatever.(正在改)
Favorite animal:my dog named “kuku”, he recently ran away from home!! 最喜歡的動物:小狗酷酷(已走丟-_-)
Favorite aroma : scented candles 最喜歡的氣味:壹種香味蠟燭的味道
Tonji University Shanghai, PRC
BA, Television and Broadcasting,Public Relations
Obtained the highest scores among all entering students at Tongji University’s Media School in the National Entrance Examination in 2000
Elected Captain of school cheerleading team
Elected President of Tongji Students Media Society (TSMS) 2000-2003
Awarded Jiang Lihong merit scholarship for outstanding extracurricular activity involvement
Riverside High School
Seattle, Washington, USA
Exchange student
Selected for AFS (American Field Service) cultural exchange program – 1 of 10 students among all high school students in Shanghai