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The touring targets of the mass tourists are mainly manmade landscapes; the form is quite unitary, usually it is not involved with environmental management activities and it does not demand high personal quality. But for eco tourists, their targets are mainly natural landscapes and eco-cultural landscapes in which human and nature is in harmony and it is in diversified forms, with nature as the stage and high demand for personal quality.


The development of traditional mass tourism is fast and uncontrolled, the focus is on the pursuit of optimum profits, and the developers and tourists are the sole beneficiaries; the benefits of the local community and the residents are offset by environmental costs, with not much left or even fall short of the costs; usually the tourist capacity is not restricted and the operations are short-term. And in the case of eco-tourism, the development is slow and controlled, while pursuing suitable profits, it also pursues the value of sustainable maintenance of environmental resources, enjoyment based on nature, stress and restrict

tourist capacity. The development is conducted in stages according to planning and the operations are long-term.
