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mjjc的Smooth_Criminal05 童鞋透露:bad tour Live At Wembley Stadium將在2012年發行。現在還不確定是否會發行藍光版,但DVD版是確定正在籌劃中。這張dvd將被命名為“Bad 25th Anniversary”,是bad專輯的再版,將會包含溫布利bad tour,4-5首和現代歌手音樂家合作的混音。和thriller 25類似,也會發行壹首從未聽過的mj在bad時期錄制的歌曲。也有壹種說法說是洛杉磯BAD演唱會也會發行DVD.(翻譯的不好請親們見諒,我已經盡力了呀)The Bad Tour: Live At Wembley Stadium is coming for 2012. Not sure about Blu-Ray at this time, but the DVD is planned for sure. This will co-incide with the re-issue of the Bad album titled"Bad 25th Anniversary" and will contain 4-5 tracks remixed to feature modern artists. Similar to Thriller 25 as well as a never before heard track from the Bad era.

There is also talk of releasing the Bad concert fromLA to DVD as well.