off,
付清工資;債務
a.
to
pay
(someone)
everything
that
is
due
that
person,
esp.
to
do
so
and
discharge
from
one's
employ.
b.
to
pay
(a
debt)
in
full.
c.
Informal.
to
bribe.
d.
to
retaliate
upon
or
punish.
e.
Nautical.
to
fall
off
to
leeward.
f.
to
result
in
success
or
failure:
The
risk
paid
off
pay
up,
全部付清;按要求支付
a.
to
pay
fully.
b.
to
pay
on
demand:
The
gangsters
used
threats
of
violence
to
force
the
shopkeepers
to
pay
up.
建議樓主多看英文釋義。這樣最接近原意。
Good
luck