ひぐらしのなく頃に - 寒蟬鳴泣之時 ED
To get my happiness I had done everything
but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of
The sound of footsteps became loouder every day
Then I noticede the face there was no time
I was a believer in life to be myself always
and was asking whether I woule be alive
Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way
or judge me to be gulity of so many incurable sins
Tell me why,or why not,Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me
The whole world was at a complete standstill,
and I was in fetters,at the mercy of the mob
The silent watning became louder every day
Then I kept pretengding not to hear
it’s meaning had been in the eyes of behold all along
it had grown dark before I found a sign
Among the nonsens tragediea ,what on earth you are looking for?
You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate
Tell me why,or why not.Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me
There is nobody who knows there will be nobody
Except for me ,all the world has gone mad
So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
What is the wellbeing you are willing to make?
Now what?So what?Don't you come interrupt me,oh please
while I am interrupting myself
惟獨面對譴責和非難 我無可奈何
我終於察覺到 時間已經所剩無幾
對於自己的人生 我是虔誠的信徒
總是在不停詢問 是否繼續生存
告訴我 為何不能夠選擇這條道路
否則 請制裁我這無法治愈的罪孽
告訴我 為什麽 或為什麽不 訴說著無數的不平
或許曾經的我 壹直俯視著 對我來說致命的危險
整個世界都已停止轉動 我滿身束縛 茍活於暴徒的仁慈下
無聲的警告壹天比壹天響亮 我卻只有假裝什麽也聽不到
它的意味 早已落入旁觀者的眼中
在我發現征兆之前 就已陷入黑暗
無謂的悲劇中 妳到底在尋找什麽
告訴我 為什麽 或為什麽不 訴說著無數的不平
或許曾經的我 壹直俯視著 對我來說致命的危險
如今無人曉知 這裏即將空無壹人
除了我 整個世界都已經陷入瘋狂
什麽是妳們希望的救贖? 什麽是妳們所希望制造的結果?
我又該怎樣? 那又會如何? 請別來控制我