古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 萬千百貨的企業文化



Vision: To become the best department store chain in China

萬千使命:引領時尚 超越期待 讓生活更精彩

Mission: Leading fashion, surpassing dreams, making a better life

萬千精神:勤學敬業 誌在必得

Spirit: Dedicated to work, determined to win

核心價值觀:誠信 創新 自律 和諧

Core Values: Honesty, innovation, self-discipline, harmony

經營理念:突出優勢 整合資源 效益優先 現金為王

Philosophy of operation:Making full use of advantages, integrating all resources, putting priority on profit, focusing on cash flow.