古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - push怎麽讀






Noun:the act of applying force in order to move something away;"he gave the door a hard push"

"the pushing is good exercise"

the force used in pushing;"the push of the water on the walls of the tank"

"the thrust of the jet engines"

enterprising or ambitious drive;"Europeans often laugh at American energy"

an electrical switch operated by pressing;"the elevator was operated by push buttons"

"the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"

an effort to advance;"the army made a push toward the sea"

Verb:move with force,"He pushed the table into a corner"

press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action;"He pushed her to finish her doctorate"

make publicity for; try to sell (a product);"The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"

"The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"

strive and make an effort to reach a goal;"She tugged for years to make a decent living"

"We have to push a little to make the deadline!"

"She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"

press against forcefully without moving;"she pushed against the wall with all her strength"

approach a certain age or speed;"She is pushing fifty"

exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;"The liberal party pushed for reforms"

"She is crusading for women's rights"

"The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"

sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs);"The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs"

move strenuously and with effort;"The crowd pushed forward"

make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby;"`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman"



When youpush something, you use force to make it move away from you or away from its previous position.

e.g. The woman pushed back her chair and stood up...


e.g. They pushed him into the car.



If youpush through things that are blocking your way orpush yourway through them, you use force in order to move past them.

e.g. I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator...


e.g. Dix pushed forward carrying a glass...



If an armypushes into a country or area that it is attacking or invading, it moves further into it.

e.g. One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield...


e.g. The army maypush southwards into the Kurdish areas.



Topush a value or amountup ordown means to cause it to increase or decrease.

e.g. Any shortage couldpush up grain prices...


e.g. The government had done everything it could topush down inflation...



If someone or somethingpushes an idea or project in a particular direction, they cause it to develop or progress in a particular way.

e.g. We are continuing topush the business forward...


e.g. The government seemed intent on pushing local and central government in opposite directions.



If youpush someoneto do something orpush theminto doing it, you encourage or force them to do it.

e.g. She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study...


e.g. James did notpush her into stealing the money...



If youpush for something, you try very hard to achieve it or to persuade someone to do it.


e.g. Britain's health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising...


e.g. Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established.



If someonepushes an idea, a point, or a product, they try in a forceful way to convince people to accept it or buy it.

e.g. Ministers willpush the case for opening the plant...


e.g. She knew enough about publishing to know that they couldpush a hundred thousand copies into the bookshops.



When someonepushes drugs, they sell them illegally.


e.g. She was sent for trial yesterday accused of pushing drugs.



If you say that someoneis pushing it, you mean that their actions or claims are rather excessive or risky.

e.g. I think that he was pushing it a bit when he said it was the best stadium in the world.


11. see also: pushed;pushing


If youget the push orare given the push, you are told that you are not wanted any more, either in your job or by someone you are having a relationship with.

e.g. Two cabinet ministers also got thepush.


13. topush the boat out -> see boat

topush your luck -> see luck

ifpush comes to shove -> see shove

相關詞組:push aheadpush aroundpush asidepush forwardpush inpush offpush onpush overpush through


The little boy pushed the door open.


They jeep is too heavy for him to push.


You may push this button to call the elevator.


We had to push our way through the crowd.


Don't push him hard for a settlement.


You'd better not push me for an answer to your request.


He opened the door with one push.


It only needed a push and the whole building will come tumble down.


Let's make a push to get it done tonight.


She has the push to get to the top.



用作動詞(v.)用作不及物動詞S+~(+A)The door pushes easily.

這門壹推就開。You push while I pull.

妳推我拽。Don't push. Wait your turn to get on the bus.

不要推,依次上車。He pushed with all his strength.

他使出渾身勁來推。Someone at the front was pulling and someone at the back was pushing.

壹些人在前面拖,另壹些人在後面推。Push hard and the lever will go down.

用力按就能把控制桿按下去。She blamed the tourists pushing like mad things, always in a hurry.

她責怪旅客們亂擠亂推,總是急匆匆的。用作及物動詞S+~+ n./pron.He pushed me and I fell into the water.

他把我推落水中。If you push the car,I'll steer it.

如果妳來推車,我就來駕車。I pushed the car but it didn't move.

我推了推車,但它壹動也不動。Push the door; don't pull.

請推門,不要拉。Push the door and it will open.

門壹推就開。You can pull a rope, but you can't push it!

繩子能拉不能推!He ran to the door and pushed the bolt.

他跑到門口把門閂上。Push the button if you want the elevator.

如果妳要乘電梯,就按電鈕。You stop the machine by pushing this button.

妳按這個按鈕停機。One has to push the child or she will do no work at all.

這孩子要有人督促,否則她什麽也不做。You need to push your business or your rivals will beat you.

妳需要奮力從事妳的事業,不然妳的對手們就要超過妳了。Haven't you a friend who can push you?

妳難道沒有壹個能幫助妳的朋友嗎?Unless you push your claims you'll get no satisfaction.

如果妳不努力爭取,妳就得不到賠償。I am not pushing you; if you don't want this job, don't take it.

我不是在強迫妳,如果妳不願意要這個工作就不必接受。He used the sales conference to push his latest ideas.

他利用銷售工作會議兜售自己的最新設想。She was arrested for pushing heroin.

她因販賣海洛因而被捕。You wouldn't think so to look at her, but she's pushing 60.

她已經快60了,但從外貌上妳絕不會想到她有這個歲數。John thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button.

約翰以為自己看見了鬼,嚇壞了。用作賓補動詞S+~+ n./pron. + adj./adv./v -edShe pushed the door open.

她把門推開。Please push the door shut.

請把門推嚴。Don't push yourself too hard or you'll get ill.

別太玩命工作了,不然妳會病倒的。If you always push him too hard, he may make mistakes.

要是妳老是逼他太緊,他可能會出錯。1The door of the hut was pushed open.

小屋的門被推開了。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHe pushed me to get everything ready before Friday.

他催促我在周五前把壹切準備好。We always have to push him to do his homework.

我們總是不得不督促他做作業。She always pushed her son to become a doctor.

她老是催促兒子當醫生。He pushed his son to pursue a musical career.

他督促兒子去追求音樂生涯。Tony had to push himself to go on doing such dull work.

托尼不得不驅策自己繼續做這種單調無趣的事。You will have to push the new product to win sales—there's lots of competition.

妳要努力打開新產品的銷路——市場上競爭很激烈。1We'll be pushed to get there in time.

我們很難及時趕到那兒。用作名詞(n.)The door opened at a slight push.

門輕輕壹推就開了。He opened the gate with a push.

他壹下就把大門推開了。The window is stick. He opened it with one push.

窗戶貼住了,他用力壹推把它推開了。Would you mind giving me a push?

請妳幫我推壹推好嗎?The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.

指揮官決定把大規模的進攻推遲到春天。The army's push into enemy territory was successful.

軍隊向敵人領土的推進很成功。She has plenty of push.

她很有進取心。She is not very clever but she has plenty of push and has got herself a good job.

她不很聰明,但她的進取心很強,因而為自己爭取到了壹份好工作。He is a man of push and goes in his career.

他對自己的事業勁頭十足。You've got to have someone big behind you to give a push.

妳背後得有個大人物保舉妳。One more push, and out came the first baby.

再壹使勁,她的第壹個嬰兒便出生了。~+to- vThey gave the car a push to start it.

為了使汽車啟動,他們推了它壹下。Let's make a push to get it done tonight.


He gave the door a sharp push..and went into a large..hall.

出自:D. LessingHer father pushed back his chair.

出自:M. SinclairThe waves pushed the boat slowly round.

出自:D. H. LawrenceI pushed him off with such force that he crashed back.

出自:M. ForsterAs dangerous to push wages too high as it is to over-expand capital.

出自:fig.Can any of you ju