古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - display是什麽意思中文



display,英文單詞,名詞、動詞、形容詞,作名詞譯為“陳列;展覽;展示;表演;特性、情感或能力的顯示,表現,表露;顯示;顯像”,作動詞譯為“顯示;表現;陳列;展出;展示;顯露;表現特性或情感等; (為求偶)做炫耀行為”,作形容詞譯為“展覽的;陳列用的”。第三人稱單數是displays,復數是displays。

陳列;展出;展示:to put sth in a place where people can see it easily; to show sth to people,?顯示,顯露,表現(特性或情感等):to show signs of sth, especially a quality or feeling,(為求偶)做炫耀行為:to show a special pattern of behaviour that is intended to attract a female bird or animal,同義詞有on show等。



1、With the FlickrView, it will be easy to display images from Flickr, so you are ready to create the rest of the user interface.(使用FlickrView,可以很容易地顯示Flickr中的圖像,因此您可以創建用戶界面的其余部分。)

2、An easy-to-use intuitive graphic interface and 3D workspace display the system operation including physical and conceptual objects.(易於使用的直觀圖形界面和3D工作空間顯示系統操作,包括物理和概念對象。)

3、A waxwork of French President Nicolas Sarkozy gets a few final touches before going on display at Madame Tussaud's in London.(法國總統尼古拉·薩科齊的蠟像在倫敦杜莎夫人蠟像館展出前進行了最後的潤色。)

4、The system can be widely used for graphic display of hydraulic factors of other large-scale networks.(該系統可廣泛用於其它大型管網水力因素的圖形顯示。)

5、To see more color categories or to create a new color category, click All Categories to display the Color Categories dialog box.(要查看更多顏色類別或創建新的顏色類別,請單擊“所有類別”以顯示“顏色類別”對話框。)

6、Something called e-paper is designed to combine the best features of a computer display screen and a plain old piece of paper.(壹種叫做電子紙的東西被設計成將計算機顯示屏的最佳功能和壹張普通的舊紙結合起來。)

7、calls from the building do not display an incoming number identifying their origin, just a string of zeros.(來自大樓的呼叫不會顯示識別其來源的來電號碼,只是壹串零。)

8、While category and series groups are optional, at least one of these groups is required to display meaningful data in the chart.(雖然類別和系列組是可選的,但至少需要其中壹個組才能在圖表中顯示有意義的數據。)