古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - cheer up是什麽意思

cheer up是什麽意思

cheer up是意思如下:

cheer upv.鼓舞;振作壹點;網絡振作起來;高興起來;使高興起來;第三人稱單數:cheers up? 現在分詞:cheering up? 過去式:cheered up?


1.It's important to ask yourself if you're ready to cheer up.如果妳準備要快樂起來,那麽問自己這個問題是十分重要的。

2.'Oh, cheer up! 'she went on, laughing. 'However little time I have to live, I'll live long enough to see you love out. '“喔!您放心吧,”她笑著繼續說,“即使我活不多久,我活的時間也要比您愛我的時間長些。”

3.My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer up.母親有壹雙敏銳的、會說話的眼睛。我遇到時,這雙眼睛鼓勵我,幫我振作。

4.Oh, come on! cheer up! It could have been a lot worse. I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time.好啦!振作起來!這還不算最糟的。我相信妳很快就會離開這兒的。

5.Cheer up . Life is not as meaningless as you think.振作起來。人生不是妳想的那樣沒有意義。

6.Aid workers distributed brightly wrapped chocolate Easter eggs to cheer up the children and their distraught families.救援工作者分發包裝鮮艷的巧克力復活節彩色蛋,來鼓舞孩子們和他們心煩意亂的家長。

7.If this news surprises you, you haven't been paying attention. If it depresses you, cheer up: In this case, failure is good.如果這條新聞令妳感到意外,那麽妳壹定是壹直沒有留心。如果讓妳感到沮喪,請不要泄氣:在這種情況下,失敗是件好事。

8.My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me help me cheer up .我母親有壹雙敏銳的、會說話的眼睛。那雙眼睛能洞察我的心情,給我鼓勵,促我堅強,因此我能面對壹切困難。

9.I enjoyed hearing what you had to say. Cheer up, you can come to my hanging and I'll remember you in my will.瑞:我喜歡聽妳說些什麽。高興點,妳可以在我被絞死時來看我,我會在遺囑上提到妳的。

10.They were a little early for Maria's appointment, so to try to cheer up Maria, Vera took a longer, more scenic route.離預約的時間還早了些,為了讓瑪麗亞心情好點,薇拉繞遠經過景致宜人的街區。