古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 請幫我翻譯壹下這簡單的自我介紹(中譯英)~


各位老師好,我很高興來到這裏:(Hello,dear teachers,I am glad to come here.)

我叫雷澤宏,來自壽安中學,今年19歲,喜歡交朋友,性格開朗,喜歡唱歌,喜歡挑戰自己的膽量。(My name's Lei Zehong,I am from Shou'an Middle School,aged 19 years old this year. I am outgoing ,I enjoy making friends and chanlenging myself.)

我總是會抓住身邊的機遇,去努力的奮鬥,因為我知道機遇是留給那些有勇氣、有膽量的人。我希望自已能做個自信、快樂、有勇氣的人 (I always take good care of every opportunity around me to strive.Because I know opportunities are always ready for those brave and courage people .I hope I can be a confident,happy and courage person.)