1、His mere presence made her feel afraid.他當時在場,這就足以讓她害怕了。
2、The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.媒體壹直在場十分令人討厭。
3、The boy had the presence of mind to turn off the gas.那男孩子鎮定地關掉了煤氣。
4、Litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid.石蕊試紙遇到酸就變紅。
5、There was a strong police presence at the demonstration.示威現場有了大批警察。
6、She seemed awed by the presence of so many famous people.見到這麽多名人出席,似乎令她驚嘆不已。
7、The managing director's presence inhibited them from airing their problems.總經理的在場使他們不便暢談他們的問題。