古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 世界百城昵稱和綽號


我們喜歡用昵稱稱呼人,綽號比名字更好地定義了人,更詼諧更犀利,暗示了我們很多的個性或者黑歷史。 其實城市入人,也是如此。 無論是受其歷史,建築,當地文化還是自然屬性的啟發,這些外號充滿的熱情和關註,可以捕捉到他們所描述的地方的本質。下面是全球壹個城市的英文外號。

整理前先插播中文城市外號壹組各自認領,(上海-魔都 ,北京-帝都 ,廣州-羊城... 求留言跟補充)

1.巴黎–愛之城,光明之城,拉維爾·盧米埃爾 Paris?– The City of Love, The City of Light, La Ville-Lumiere1

2.布拉格–百塔之城,黃金城,城市之母 Prague?– The City of Hundred Spires, The Golden City, The Mother of Cities2. Prague?– The City of Hundred Spires, The Golden City, The Mother of Cities

3.紐約–蘋果城 New York?– The Big Apple

4.拉斯維加斯–罪惡之城 Las Vegas?– Sin City

5.芝加哥–風城 Chicago?– The Windy City

6.溫哥華–雨城,大煙囪 Vancouver?– Raincity, The Big Smoke?

7.蒙特利爾– 美麗城(Belle Ville)法國鎮,山城 Montreal?– La Belle Ville, Frenchtown, The City-Mountain

8.洛杉磯–天使之城 Los Angeles?– The City of Angels

9.新奧爾良–大易 New Orleans?– The Big Easy

10.費城–費城兄弟之愛之城. Philadelphia?– City of Brotherly Love, Philly

11.阿姆斯特丹–北部威尼斯,莫庫姆11. Amsterdam?– Venice of the North, Mokum11. Amsterdam?– Venice of the North, Mokum

12.威尼斯–海中新娘 海鳥 Venice?– La Serenissima, Bride of the Sea

13.維也納–皇城,夢想之城,音樂之城 Vienna?– The Imperial City, The City of Dreams, The City of Music

14.倫敦– 平方英裏,老煙,煙,大煙兒 London?– The Square Mile, The Old Smoke, The Smoke, The Big Smoke

15.底特律–汽車城 Detroit?– Motor City

16.邁阿密–小古巴 魔術城 Miami?– The Magic City, Little Cuba

17.孟菲斯–布拉夫城 Memphis?– Bluff City

18.佩特拉–玫瑰紅城 Petra?– The Rose Red City

19.匹茲堡–鋼鐵城,鋼鐵城 Pittsburgh?– Steel City, Iron City

20.羅馬–永恒之城,七山之城 Rome?– The Eternal City, City of the Seven Hills

21.西雅圖–翡翠城 Seattle?– The Emerald City

22.布加勒斯特–小巴黎 Bucharest?– Little Paris

23.佛羅倫薩–百合花城 Florence?– The City of Lilies

24.巴塞羅那–伯爵市,高迪市 Barcelona?– The City of Counts, The City of Gaudi

25.布達佩斯–多瑙河的明珠 Budapest?– Pearl of the Danube

26.多倫多–皇後區,紐約大泥濘區,霍格敦 Toronto?– Queen City, The Big Muddy York, Hogtown

27.都柏林–美麗的城市 Dublin?– The Fair City

28.耶路撒冷–聖城 Jerusalem?– The Holy City

29.波士頓–路由?豆鎮? Boston?– The Hub, Beantown

30.舊金山–弗裏斯科,海灣城,黃金城,聖弗朗 San Francisco?– Frisco, The City by the Bay, The Golden City, San Fran

31.莫斯科–白石城,四十年代,第三羅馬 Moscow?– The Whitestone, The Forty Forties, Third Rome

32.愛丁堡–奧爾德·瑞奇 Edinburgh?– Auld Reekie

33.日內瓦–和平之都 Geneva?– The Peace Capital

34.裏約熱內盧–奇妙的城市 Rio de Janeiro?– Marvelous City

35.薩爾茨堡–白城35. Salzburg?– White City

36.孟買–美麗新世界?表示不太信 Mumbai?– The City of Dreams

37.新加坡–獅城 Singapore?– The Lion City

38.那不勒斯–太陽之城 Naples?– City of the Sun

39.博洛尼亞– Red City; La Dotta,La Rossa,La Grassa(念書的,紅城,肥仔,胖城) Bologna?– Red City;?La Dotta, La Rossa, La Grassa (the educated, the red, the fat)

40.都靈–四河之城 Turin?– City of Four Rivers (地方不錯)

41.熱那亞–超級碗(極品,驕傲的壹位)41. Genoa?– La Superba (The Superb, The Proud One)? 這地方因為小時愛玩遊戲大航海,特意去參觀過。

42.巴勒莫–快樂 Palermo?– The Happy

43.米蘭–世界時尚之都,宜人的城市. Milan?– Fashion Capital of the World, The Drinkable City

44.開羅–尼羅河巴黎Cairo?– Paris of the Nile

45.布宜諾斯艾利斯-美洲巴黎,普拉塔女王Buenos Aires?– Paris of the Americas, Queen of the Plata

46.烏斯懷亞–世界盡頭 Ushuaia?– The End of the World

47.墨爾本–海灣城市,荒涼的城市,澳大利亞歐洲 Melbourne?– City by the Bay, Bleak City, Europe of Australia

48.悉尼–海港城 Sydney?– The Harbour City

49.約翰內斯堡–埃格裏或黃金之城,約濟,約堡 Johannesburg?– Egoli or City of Gold, Jozi, Joburg

50.聖保羅–巴西火車頭,細雨之地,桑帕. Sao Paulo?– Brazil’s Locomotive, Land of Drizzle, Sampa

51. Dubrovnik?– The Pearl of the Adriatic杜布羅夫尼克–亞得裏亞海的明珠

52. Helsinki?– The White City of the North?赫爾辛基–北部的白城

53. Bordeaux?– City of Wine?波爾多–葡萄酒之城

54. Nice?– Angels City?尼斯–天使之城 沙灘很安逸

5. Berlin?– The Grey City 寶馬灰?

56. Jaipur?– The Pink City?齋浦爾–粉紅之城

57. Oslo?– Tiger Town?奧斯陸–虎村 有氣勢哦

58. Warsaw?– Default City, Big Village in the Middle of Nowhere?華沙–默認城市,茫茫荒野中的大村莊

59. St Petersburg?– The Mind of Russia?聖彼得堡–俄國大腦

60. Madrid?– El Foro, The Forum?馬德裏–論壇 論壇

61. Athens?– The City of Violet Crown?雅典–紫羅蘭皇冠市

62. Dallas?– Big D?達拉斯 大帝

63. Hong Kong?– Pearl of the Orient?香港–東方明珠

64. Munich?– Toytown, Millionendorf (village of a million people), World City with Heart慕尼黑–玩具城,Millionendorf(百萬人口的村莊),有心臟的世界城市

65. Birmingham?– The City of a Thousand Trades, Brum?伯明翰–布魯姆千商之城

66. Lisbon?– City with a Future, City of Seven Hills, The White City.裏斯本–未來之城,七山之城,白城67.?

67.The Hague?– City of Peace and Justice?海牙–和平與正義之城

8. Kolkata?– City of Palaces, City of Love, City of Joy 加爾各答–宮殿之城 愛之城,歡樂之城?

69. Beijing?– The Forbidden City 北京 紫禁城....

70. Adelaide?– City of Churches?教堂之城

71. Zagreb?– Little Vienna?薩格勒布–小維也納

72. Bruges?– Venice of the North?布魯日–北部的威尼斯

73. Marseille?– Phocean City 海洋城?

74. Tel Aviv?– The City that Never Stops, The Big Orange, The Bubble?特拉維夫–永不停息的城市,大橘子,泡沫

75. Bolzano?– The Door to the Dolomites, The German One?博爾紮諾–雲巖之門,德國壹哥

6. Sanremo?– The City of Dreams?76.聖雷莫–美麗的新世界

77. Tivoli?– City of Delights?蒂沃利–歡樂之城

78. Vicenza?– City of Gold 維琴察–黃金之城

79. Kuala Lumpur?– Golden Triangle?吉隆坡–金三

80. Cuernavaca?– The City of Eternal Spring?奎爾納瓦卡–永恒之城

81. Tijuana?– Television Capital of the World?.蒂華納–世界影都?電視都?

82. Rotterdam?– Manhattan upon Meuse?鹿特丹–默茲曼哈頓

83. Lima?– City of the Kings?利馬–王城

84. Manila?– City by the Bay.馬尼拉–濱海灣城市

85. Porto?– The Invincible City?波爾圖–金城(固若金湯)

86. Cadiz?– The Little Silver Cup?加的斯–小銀杯

87. Bilbao?– El Bocho?畢爾巴鄂 。。。

88. Zurich?– Little Big City 蘇黎世–小大城市

89. Kyiv?– The Mother of Rus’ Cities?基輔–羅斯城市之母

90. Honolulu?– Sheltered Bay?火奴魯魯–庇護灣

91. Macau?– Oyster City 澳門–牡蠣城

92. Wroclaw?– City of Hundred Bridges 弗羅茨瓦夫–百橋之城

93. Beirut?– Paris of the Middle East 貝魯特–中東巴黎

94. Udine?– Capital of the Great War 烏迪內-大戰之都

95. Ancona?– Doric City 安科納–多裏克城

96. Tehran?– The City of 72 Nations 德黑蘭– 72國之城?

97. Bengaluru?– The City of Gardens 班加羅爾–花園之城

98. Leipzig?– Bimbo Town 萊比錫–賓堡鎮

99. Split?– The Diocletian’s City 斯普利特–戴克裏先城

100. Grenoble?– Capital of the Alps 格勒諾布爾-阿爾卑斯山之都?