"Set out" 強調行動的起始,描述開始進行某項活動或旅行。
"Set off" 強調離開原處或起程的動作,用於描述出發的具體時刻或觸發某個事件。
大家可以先看下面的表格了解壹下 set out和set off 吧:
set out 和 set off 的區別:區別1:set out: 表示開始做某事或制定計劃,通常指明目標或目的。例子1: She set out to climb Mount Everest. (她開始攀登珠穆朗瑪峰。)
例子2: The team set out a detailed plan for the project. (團隊制定了項目的詳細計劃。)
set off: 表示出發或啟程,強調離開原地去往目的地。例子1: They set off on a journey around the world. (他們出發環遊世界。)
例子2: The family set off for the beach early in the morning. (壹大早,這家人出發去海灘。)
區別2:set out: 可以用於形容文字或觀點的陳述,強調清楚地表達。例子1: The guidelines set out the rules and regulations. (這些指南闡述了規章制度。)
例子2: In his speech, he set out his vision for the future. (在演講中,他闡述了他對未來的願景。)
set off: 可用於描述觸發事件或引起反應,與起始點無關。例子1: The alarm clock set off a loud noise. (鬧鐘引發了壹陣巨響。)
例子2: The discovery set off a series of scientific experiments. (這壹發現引發了壹系列的科學實驗。)
區別3:set out: 可以指開始執行壹個計劃、任務或目標。例子1: The company set out to expand its market share in Asia. (該公司計劃在亞洲擴大市場份額。)
例子2: The team set out to win the championship. (這支隊伍決心贏得冠軍。)
set off: 側重指某事或某人引起另壹件事或另壹個人的行動或反應。例子1: His rude comment set off an argument. (他粗魯的評論引發了壹場爭論。)
例子2: The news of the promotion set off a wave of congratulations. (晉升的消息引起了壹陣祝賀。)
區別4:set out: 可以表示開始進行壹項任務、旅行或冒險。例子1: They set out on a quest to find the lost treasure. (他們踏上了尋找失落寶藏的冒險之旅。)
例子2: The explorers set out to cross the vast desert. (探險家們開始了橫穿廣闊沙漠的旅程。)
set off: 強調離開某個位置或地點,通常是指出發前往其他地方。例子1: They set off from the campsite early in the morning. (他們壹大早從營地出發。)
例子2: The travelers set off from the airport to their dream destination. (旅行者們從機場出發前往夢想目的地。)