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CPSM介紹 CPSM是Certified Professional in Supply Management的縮寫。今年2月2日,ISM正式向外界發布關於新的CPSM認證的消息。該認證的目標是要成為全球供應管理專業人士竭力追求的高端認證,計劃將於2008年推出。 CPSM認證涉及多層次的供應管理角色,包括戰略采購,物流管理,供應關系管理,供應來源多元化等,采購與供應專業人士將從該認證中獲得很好的收益。 認證考試將包括3項測試,涵蓋供應管理的各個層面。考試還將反映出當今的供應環境,涉及危機管理,戰略采購,社會責任,並對供應人員的素質提出了新的要求。另外,考生必須具有本科或以上學歷,並擁有至少5年專職供應管理的工作經驗。 CPSM.考試內容 CPSM需要進行三項考試 Section A - Foundation of Supply Management Contracting and Negotiations Cost and Finance International Social Responsibility Sourcing Supplier Relationship Management Section B– Effective Supply Management Performance Forecasting Logistics Materials and Inventory Management Organization and Department Assessment Planning Product Development Project Management Quality Section C - Leadership in Supply Management Leadership Risk and Compliance Strategic Sourcing Exam A - 150 scored + 15 un-scored = 165 with 2 hours and 45 minutes allowed Exam B - 150 scored + 15 un-scored = 165 with 2 hours and 45 minutes allowed Exam C - 165 scored + 15 un-scored = 180 with 3 hours allowed CPSM認證的價值 獲得CPSM認證對職業價值有什麽貢獻? The CPSM qualification will enable professionals to gain a clear understanding of their organization's supply operation and enable managers to take an active role in critical decisions.Each step in the development of an organization's products and/or services is controlled by supply management.Current evolution of the profession dictates that a strategic level qualification is needed for professionals to effectively implement innovative supply strategies throughout their entire organization.The CPSM will be a milestone for those professionals who take ownership of their careers.Surveys indicate those will professional designations report higher annual compensation than those without certification.Pursuing your CPSM qualification is your chance to leverage your knowledge and experience into career advancement. 獲得CPSM認證對組織有何價值貢獻? Organizations have communicated to ISM that they value the C.P.M. as evidence of a solid baseline of purhcasing knowledge.The CPSM qualification will also recognize individual competencies in the broader area of supply management.The CPSM will emphasize major segments of the supply management profession;holders of the qualification will attain a greater understanding of their organization's supply network and have the skills to make more accurate and profitable decisions. 申請CPSM認證的資料,需要同時滿足以下三個條件: Three years of experience in supply management (Full-time;professional;mon-clerical,non-support) Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university(or the international equivalent) Successful passing of the Bridge Exam with a valid C.P.M.or Successful passing of the three CPSM exam CPSM常見問題 1.CPSM有什麽好處呢? 獲得CPSM認證對職業價值有什麽貢獻? The CPSM qualification will enable professionals to gain a clear understanding of their organization's supply operation and enable managers to take an active role in critical decisions.Each step in the development of an organization's products and/or services is controlled by supply management.Current evolution of the profession dictates that a strategic level qualification is needed for professionals to effectively implement innovative supply strategies throughout their entire organization.The CPSM will be a milestone for those professionals who take ownership of their careers.Surveys indicate those will professional designations report higher annual compensation than those without certification.Pursuing your CPSM qualification is your chance to leverage your knowledge and experience into career advancement. 獲得CPSM認證對組織有何價值貢獻? Organizations have communicated to ISM that they value the C.P.M. as evidence of a solid baseline of purhcasing knowledge.The CPSM qualification will also recognize individual competencies in the broader area of supply management.The CPSM will emphasize major segments of the supply management profession;holders of the qualification will attain a greater understanding of their organization's supply network and have the skills to make more accurate and profitable decisions. 2.我沒有通過C.P.M.可以報考CPSM嗎? 可以! 3.我已經拿到C.P.M.證書了,如何考取CPSM證書呢? 對於已經拿到C.P.M.者,需要參加ISM的搭橋考試,通過者便可拿ISM的CPSM證書,有關註意事項請查看美國供應管理協會官方網站. 3.報考CPSM的要求: 申請CPSM認證的資料,需要同時滿足以下三個條件: Three years of experience in supply management (Full-time;professional;mon-clerical,non-support) Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university(or the international equivalent) Successful passing of the Bridge Exam with a valid C.P.M.or Successful passing of the three CPSM exam