古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - LINKIN PARK的CRAWLING 歌詞


妳說的,是不是就 MIKE 壹個人無伴奏清唱的那段?

在 Leave Out All The Rest 前面唱的?


應該是 Hands Held High 的第壹段 RAP

Turn my mic up louder, I got to say something

〖將我的麥克風聲音調大 我有話要說〗

Lightweights steppin\' aside when we come in


Feel it in your chest, the syllables get pumping


People on the street they panic and start running


Words on loose leaf sheet, complete coming


I jump in my mind, I summon the rhyme I\'m dumping

〖我思想投入 號召韻律 傾註力量〗

I\'m healing the blind, I promise to let the sun in

〖我在治療盲人 保證讓人們重見光明〗

Sick of the dark ways we march to the drumming

〖厭倦了黑暗的形勢 我們喧囂遊行〗

Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jump

〖跳躍吧 當他們說他們想看見跳躍〗

Fuck that, I wanna see some fists pumping

〖TMD 我想看見拳頭相向〗

I missed something, take back what\'s yours

〖我曾經失去 將妳的東西討回來〗

Say something that you know they might attack you for

〖說出來 當妳知道他們會為此而攻擊妳〗

\'Cause I\'m sick of being treated like I have before


Like I\'m stupid standing for what I\'m standing for


Like this war\'s really just a different brand of war


Like it doesn\'t cater to rich and abandon poor


Like they understand you in the back of the jet


When you can\'t put gas in your tank


these fuckers are laughing their way to the bank


and cashing their check


Asking you to have the passion and have some respect


For a leader so nervous in an obvious way


Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay


And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day


In the living room, laughing like, \'What did he say?\'

〖在起居室嘲笑著 好像在問\"他在說什麽\"〗

You with us!?

Are you with us right now?

