1 .英英釋義:power to rule or influence people?
例句:Some old attitudes still hold?sway?in rural areas.?
2. 為什麽選這個詞?
“sway”的常見搭配主要有兩個: under somebody's sway? 和? hold sway over somebody 。
我們分別來看兩個例子。之前在學習“sway”的動詞用法時,我們有壹個例句是:Across much of the West, people are swayed by populist politicians.(現在很多西方國家的民眾都受到民粹主義政客的擺布。)
把這裏的“sway”換成名詞,就可以改寫成:Across much of the West, people are under the sway of populist politicians.或者?Across much of the West, populist politicians hold sway over people/the electorate.(句中的 electorate 是集體名詞,相當於 people,表示“全體選民”)?
英文中有個習語叫“Old habits die hard”,意思是“本性難移”,已經養成的習慣會持續影響我們。我們也可以用“sway”把它改寫成:?Old habits hold sway over us.
舉壹反三,比如我們經常會說偏遠地區人們的觀念陳舊,根深蒂固,就可以說:Some old attitudes still hold sway in rural areas.
《經濟學人》在壹篇關於 Facebook 對美國競選影響的文章中,就用到了 sway:?Where Facebook will hold most sway in this election is as an important advertising platform.
這句話是說 Facebook 將會在美國選舉中發揮重大影響。這裏的 hold most sway 就是“最具影響力”,most 是修飾 sway 的程度之大,我們常常可以在 sway 前面加上形容詞強調影響力的程度。
Formal uncountable noun
//come/ fall under the sway of sb.
under somebody's sway? /? hold sway over somebody
//to hold sway: to be master; reign
//under the sway of hunger /style
//exercise/ command much sway
//the most /enough/ limitless sway
The country is under the sway of a tyrant.?註意與後壹句的同義替換//people under the sway of the dictator 註意:the的兩次出現
同義詞:sway, power, authority, jurisdiction, control, command
Old habits die hard. = Old habits hold sway over us.
Where Facebook will hold most sway in this election is as an important advertising platform.