古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - rico怎麽讀


rico的讀音 :英?[rk]?美?[?riko?]? ,[人名] 裏科;[地名] [美國] 裏科

1.A couple of high-profile murders seem to have pushed puerto rico over the edge .兩起備受矚目的謀殺案似乎已將波多黎各推到了邊界。

2.President obama says he supports the admission of puerto rico into the union as soon as possible .美國總統奧巴馬也表示,他支持波多黎各盡快加入美聯邦。

3.There are worse fates than to be forced to live in puerto rico for half the year .每年必須在波多黎各住上半年,這樣的安排也不算太糟。

4.Rico rodriguez might just be my new hero .ricorodriguez將會成為我心目中的新英雄。

5.You slew that rico cop here ?妳在這裏殺了那個rico警察?