"Fell down"表示向下倒或跌倒,通常用於描述人或物體從某個高處或平面上跌落。例如:
She fell down the stairs and broke her arm.(她從樓梯上跌下來摔斷了手臂。)
The vase fell down from the shelf and shattered into pieces.(花瓶從架子上掉下來摔成了碎片。)
"Fell out"表示掉落或失落,通常用於描述某物從某個容器中掉落或丟失。例如:
The apple fell out of the basket when she carried it.(她把籃子拿起來時,蘋果從籃子裏掉出來了。)
The money fell out of his pocket when he ran.(他跑步時口袋裏的錢掉了出來。)
"Fell off"表示從某物上跌落或掉落,通常用於描述人或物體從某個高處或物體上掉落。例如:
The child fell off the bike and scraped his knee.(孩子從自行車上摔了下來,擦傷了膝蓋。)
The painting fell off the wall and broke the frame.(畫從墻上掉下來,摔壞了畫框。)
除此之外,"fell"還可以與其他介詞組合成不同的短語,如:"fell into"表示陷入某種狀態,"fell for"表示愛上某人或某物,"fell behind"表示落後於某人或某事物等等。
He fell into depression after losing his job.(失去工作後,他陷入了抑郁狀態。)
She fell for him the first time they met.(他們第壹次見面時,她就愛上了他。)
The company fell behind its competitors in the market.(該公司在市場上落後於其競爭對手。)