Taiwan tour the see the beauty of Taiwan
determined to go to Taiwan to play
pack up don't go
I began my treasure island Taiwan free experience.壹天的飛機便來到了臺灣,這座美麗的島嶼。我這壹個人也算是臺灣自由行吧,臺灣自由行聽起來很孤獨的樣子,其實不然,我覺得很愉快。壹個人走在臺灣的路上,感覺很這裏的空氣都很清新。臺灣自由行我壹個人壹個相機,把壹路上所見的美好事物和景象都拍了下來,回去後好好的給好友們看看,他們壹定會很嫉妒,還會說我怎麽不帶上他們來,想想就覺得十分快樂。One day they came to Taiwan
this beautiful island. I this person is the freedom of Taiwan
Taiwan free sounds very lonely
in fact
I feel very happy. The way a person walks in the Taiwan
the air felt here are very fresh. Taiwan free me a camera
put all the way to see the good things and scenes were shot down
go back to have a look to my friends
they will be very jealous
also said I did not bring them to think
feel very happy.想想看這次寶島臺灣自由行的經歷就覺得很充實,壹個人想去哪裏就去哪裏,不用擔心什麽,自己簡簡單單的快樂自己掌握。臺灣自由行將壹個人的自由進行到底,把心放在腿跟著自己的雙腿想起哪裏就去哪裏,從臺北到高雄,從高雄再到臺北,壹路來來 *** 。壹路的歡笑都被我用相機記錄著。Think of the island of Taiwan free experience will feel very full
a person to go where you want to go
do not have to worry about what their own hands
the simple joy. Taiwan freedom is a person's freedom to the end
put his heart in his leg with his legs to think of where to go where
from Taipei to Kaohsiung
from Kaohsiung to Taipei
all the way back and forth. Laugh in the way I have been using the camera to record.臺灣自由行,有機會妳必須去嘗試下,這是壹個非常美好的旅途。每天都有不壹樣的收獲,每天都有不壹樣的體驗,路就在腳下,想去哪裏就去哪裏是不是十分的愜意,自己壹個人進行的旅遊才是最美好的啊。臺灣自由行,會收獲很多美好的景色,也會有很多新的生活體驗,美麗的臺灣等著妳的光臨。Taiwan free
you have the opportunity to try
this is a wonderful journey. Every day a different harvest
every day there are not the same experience
the way on foot
want to go where Is it right? Very fortable to go where
for a person's own touri *** is the most beautiful. The freedom of Taiwan
will be a lot of beautiful scenery in the harvest
there will be a lot of new life experience
the beautiful Taiwan waiting for your presence.