古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 產地 本公司 用英文怎麽說?

產地 本公司 用英文怎麽說?

產地: Production Place;place of origin;Orgin;locality 如:

1.中國北方依然是谷物的主要產地,石油供應正在努力確保收割期間的能源供應。Northern China remains the major area for grain harvest, and oil suppliers are making efforts to ensure power supply.

2.受災最重的地區是愛荷華州,該州是主要的玉米產地且在去年也是產大豆最高的地區。The floods hit hottest hardest in IIowa, the leading corn stake state and also the top sorbing soybean producer last year.

3.佩洛塔斯巴西東南部壹城市,位於阿雷格裏港西南偏南的壹個礁湖上。是牛肉幹的主要產地。A city of southeast Brazil on a lagoon south-southwest of Alegre. It is a major producer of dried beef.

本公司:our company/this company 如:

本公司具有15年的專業生產銅首飾經驗。Our company has specialized production in 15 copper jewelry experience.