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born с 580 BC, Samos, Ionia

died с 500, Metapontum, Lucania

Greek philosopher and mathematician.

He established a community of followers in Croton who adhered to a way of life he prescribed. His school of philosophy reduced all meaning to numerical relationships and proposed that all existing objects are fundamentally composed of form and not material substance. The principles of Pythagoreanism, including belief in the immortality and reincarnation of the soul and in the liberating power of abstinence and asceticism, influenced the thought of Plato and Aristotle and contributed to the development of mathematics and Western rational philosophy. The proportions of musical intervals and scales were first studied by Pythagoras, and he was the first influential Western practitioner of vegetarianism. None of his writings survive, and it is difficult to distinguish the ideas he originated from those of his disciples. His memory is kept alive partly by the Pythagorean theorem, probably developed by his school after he died.


Pythagoras (c.580 BC - c.500 BC)

The Greek philosopher, sage and mathematician Pythagoras ? Pythagoras was an influential Greek mathematician and philosopher, best known for the theory to which he gave his name.

Very little is known about Pythagoras's life. He is thought to have been born on the Greek island of Samos, and travelled widely in his youth, visiting Egypt and Persia. He settled in the city of Crotone in southern Italy. There he began teaching and soon had a clutch of students who lived a structured life of study and exercise, inspired by a philosophy based around mathematics. This circle came to be known as the Pythagoreans.

The early Pythagoreans were upper middle class and politically active. They formed a moral elite who strove to perfect their physical form in this life in order to gain immortality in the next. To free the soul and achieve immortality, the mortal body had to be rigorously disciplined to keep it morally pure and free of the base nature. Until this could be achieved the soul would be repeatedly reincarnated, or 'transmigrated', until released by accumulated merit.

Pythagoreans also believed in the cosmos, which at that time referred to an idea of a clockwork order and beauty in the whole universe. While probably believing in classical Greek polytheism, they maintained a superior divinity, the one, above all others. They had a number of taboos, including the avoidance of meat and beans, and lived by a series of rules governing all aspects of life. In approximately 500 BC there appears to have been an uprising against the power of the Pythagoreans. Pythagoras fled and is thought to have been killed or died shortly afterwards.

Pythagorean theory The Pythagorean Theorem is a geometrical expression used often in math and physics. It used too two-two finds the unknown side of a right triangle. The exponential forms of this theorem a + b = C. That is the equation you use when you are looking for the unknown side of a right triangle, and it is what I'll demonstrate on the attached exhibit. The upside down capital L in the bottom of the left-hand corner indicates that sides A & B's are the legs of the triangle. Since we know sides A = 5 inches and B = 3 inches, we may fill that into two or equation for step one. (1) 5 + 3 = c's What the theorem will help us find is the c side of this triangle. 2. 25 + 9 = c's All we do is distribute five to the second power and three to the second power as seen is step two. Next, we add these two numbers together to get 34, 25+9=34, in step three. 3. 25+9=34 Then, in step four we find the square root of 34. 4. 34 In step five we see that 5.83 is the unknown side of the right triangle. 5. c= 5.83 We found this answer by using the Pythagorean Theorem as taught in geometrical form. This theorem may also be summed up by saying that the area of the square on the hypote

I think that the theorem was an important discovery for the future. It is called this because it is included by Euclid in a book of numbered geometric problems. These three numbers were also whole numbers and were used in the Egyptian string trick, which I will talk about later. I say this because the theorem was studied by so many great thinkers. It is said Pythagoras was a man that spent his life traveling the world in search of wisdom. The Pythagoreans believed that all these things had to do with numbers. This belief by the Pythagoreans led to many discoveries including the Pythagorean Theorem. Study of the group includes many geometric proofs, astronomy, and music. The group believed in many things had to do with numbers. This Pythagorean triple, 3:4:5, are the smallest integer series to have been formed, and the only consecutive numbers in that group that is important. nuse, or an opposite side of the right angle, of a right triangle is equal to sum of the areas of the squared on the legs. The puzzle of who invented the Pythagorean Theorem, Pythagoras or his followers, is so confusing because the group studied such a wide variety of different topics. The angle opposite the side of the legs was the right angle, it had a length of five. Egyptians were said to have invented the word geometry (go = earth, merry = measuring. The group was also said to have vowed to secrecy.