人才觀:人才=品德+ 能力+ 耐力
成功學:成功= 努力+ 學習+ 堅持
Company Tenet: Making profits through meeting customers’ requirements
Company Spirit: Honesty, practical, strive for perfection and innovative
Management Guideline: Steady and aborative, small but steady steps equal a great stride, breakthrough after accumulating, sustainable operation
Talent: Talent = Morality + Capability + Endurance
Success Theory: Success = Endeavour + Learning + Perseverance
壹丁集團始終把員工隊伍建設作為核心戰略,提出壹丁芯高端創新創業工程、6.27 工程、鯤鵬工程、珠峰工程等專項人才工程,堅持“以人為本、知人善任、學以致用、***鑄輝煌”的人才理念,以事業感召人,以待遇吸引人,以文化凝聚人,創造條件成就人。
EADING always sees workforce development as the core strategy, which includes special talent projects like EADING Chip high-end innovation entrepreneurship, 6.27, Kunpeng and Zhufeng projects. EADING insists the talent philosophy of “people oriented, picking the right man for the right job, learning to meet practical needs and shaping new glory”, attracting talents by ambition, treatment, culture and opportunities.
EADING advancement system is designed based on career development, which provides dual career planning of management and professional posts to offer more opportunities for promotion and more suitable platform for further development.
EADING Group pays much attention to talent cultivation and echelon construction. EADING Academy as the education institution, it attaches much importance to the standardized management, professional curriculum and various training like senior executives echelon strategy training, supervisors echelon competition training and shop managers combating training for talents’ development through training, practice, tutoring, management sharing, employee performance ranking, working with concurrent post and employee rotation, which realizes win-win pattern of the individual, company and society.
EADING has long thrown to public service and carried out public activities like poverty alleviation, financial aid for the disabled, environment protection, disaster relief, co-construction, youth support and education aid.
2010 年成立500 萬慈善基金,同年通過福建省光彩會向南平、三明特大洪災災區捐款50 萬元。“吳友計傅樹茹伉儷基金會”於2012 年1 月9 日在福建省晉江市成立,由壹丁集團董事長吳建榮先生創辦,原始基金善款總額500萬元。截止2014年1月1日,吳建榮先生捐贈及定向捐贈***計人民幣530萬元。“吳友計傅樹茹伉儷基金會”掛靠晉江市慈善總會,用於救助孤寡、殘障、受災或失業困難戶、失學兒童青少年等需要幫助的困難群體。
2008 年,壹丁集團捐資成立福州大學數學與計算機科學學院清祥教育基金會;每年舉辦為山區孩子們送電腦、送知識活動,聯合福建省關心下壹代工作委員會開展捐書助學公益行,成立電腦愛心教室,以及開展壹系列圓夢大學公益活動。
In 2008, EADING donated to set up Qingxiang Education Foundation of College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University. Activities like computer giving and knowledge delivering are organized for children in the countryside every year. And it also carries out activities of books donation for students and dream to college and sets up computer love classrooms with Fujian Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth.
福州市臺江區鯤鵬青少年事務服務中心是於2008 年3 月由壹丁集團出資成立的福建省首家專業社工服務機構。由民政部門批準註冊、***青團主管。中心以民辦非企業單位的形式,以社會工作者為主體,以“助人自助”為核心理念,綜合運用社會工作專業知識和方法,為困難青少年群體開展幫扶救助、矛盾調處、權益維護、心理疏導、行為矯治、關系調適等服務工作。幾年來,在各級各部門領導的關心和支持下,中心先後榮獲福建省新長征突擊隊、第八屆福建青年五四獎章(集體)、全國巾幗文明崗、福建年度人物等榮譽。中心主任劉安娟女士在2013 年當選為中國政治協商會議第十壹屆福建省委員會委員。2012 年中心設計的青少年幫扶示範項目獲得中央財政專項資金的支持。
Kunpeng Youth Affairs Center, first youth social service agency in Fujian province, was founded in March, 2008, financed by EADING Group. It was authorized and registered by Civil Affairs Department and administrated by Communist Youth League. The center is dominated by social workers in the form of private non-enterprises form with core philosophy of “Help People to Help Themselves”. It uses professional knowledge and methods to help youth with conflicts handling, rights upholding, psychological counseling, behavior modification and relationship accommodation. For years, with the support of leaders of all levels, the center has been awarded of Fujian New Long-march Commando, the 8th May 4th Youth Medal of Fujian Province (Collective), National Women Civilization Post and Person of the Year in Fujian etc. In 2013, Mrs. Liu Anjuan, director of the center, was selected member of Fujian 11th Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In 2012, the demonstrative project of youth supporting got the special funds from central government.
2010 年以來,公司斥資幾千萬升級軟硬件平臺,攜手SAP、IBM、思科等IT 巨頭,打造國際壹流的互聯網信息管理平臺,依托SAP-ERP 系統,逐步建立涵蓋HR、B2C、BI、 CallCenter、OA、CRM、WMS 等模塊的信息化體系,實現業務、財務、服務、人力、物流、投資等全流程壹體化集中管理。 同時通過積極與廠家、物流、銀行等上下遊合作夥伴建立信息系統對接,利用EDI 技術實現信息自動化處理,提高流程效率。建立CRM(客戶關系管理)大數據智能分析中心,打造智能化、專業化的店面體驗、高速物流、移動交易、高效管理等信息化平臺,為客戶提供更便捷的產品與服務。
EADING fully leads in internet thinking operation model for management development, business promotion and customers' maintenance with core measures of customers' experience, fast reaction, fans economy and thinking focus.
The company has invested tens of millions to update software and hardware platforms since 2010. It cooperates with IT magnates like SAP, IBM and Cisco to build a world-class information management platform. It gradually builds up information system covering modules like HR, B2C, BI, CallCenter, OA, CRM and WMS by virtue of SAP-ERP system and realizes full process integration management which contains business, finance, service, human resources, logistics and investment processes. In the meanwhile, EADING improves process efficiency through information integration with upstream and downstream partners like manufactures, logistics and banks etc. and using EDI technology for information automation. It builds CRM (Customer Relationship Management) big data intelligent analytic center to create an informatization platform of intelligence, professional store experience, rapid logistics, mobile transaction and efficient management, which will provide customers with more convenient products and service.