古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 求英語高手翻譯,機譯請繞行,高分懸賞


This is knowledge based economy era where information are still expanding in an immeasurable speed, the future will be a world of internet. Internet had provided us with broader range of knowledges. In an internet world, we will have access to recent news or stories all over the globe, understand different culture and geologies, and access to knowledge that can't be found in books. Other than that, Internet had also provided us with convenient ways to communicate. We can chat through webcam, send emails, update and keep in touch with friends or relative that are far away from us using the internet. We can also expand our network of friends by making friends with people from different cities and even countries through the internet. Even though it is still virtually but it's still convenient, fast and flexible. It can expand our are of knowledge, gives us areas to explore, changes our traditional way of thinking and had provided a lot of help in our life.